and you continue to rant on....this is the type of stuff that tends to make people see conservatives as foaming at the mouth idiots....not useful in the long run
No ranting got us zero. PC got us zero. Silencing of “Truth” and parents giving up raising their own children-— got us a public school system that glorifies sodomy to kindergarteners, no less—and has Pride Days and “Honor a Pederast Day”—Milk—and you think MY “ranting” is turning people off???????The public schools are producing OWS idiots and ACORN thugs and you worry about pointing out the Truth????
NOT ranting has allowed perverts to transform this Christian Nation into a pederastic nation like their idol and sodomite “Sugar” Keynes wanted. We are normalizing sodomy to the next generation with Glee type Fare and you think it is good to not point out the Truth?
I think it gets people to THINK of what they are really endorsing when they allow Jerry Brown to be elected. His godless ideology prevails. Just a few decades ago—people KNEW that character ALWAYS matters. But we turned the other cheek and allowed rapists to keep their jobs and actually PRAISE them and distort the word “Right” in such a way that Rights come from Satan in America now (Abortion and Sodomy).
Pastor Bonhoeffer will tell you what “silence” and “tolerance” of evil does to a culture. He was appalled at the “PC” acceptance of the masses as the vulgar Weimar Republic and deChristianized of the population allowed for the declaration of Hitler their Savior. The “Good” German remained silent except for Bonhoeffer and a few who were killed for speaking against evil.
Being PC has gotten us to a point where large numbers of people NOW “think” it is a “Right” to have sodomites marry and adopt children. You also have since the 70’s indoctrination and silence through PC and Aliskylike tactics-—the idea that homosexual “marriage” is inevitable-—when for thousands of years it was considered stupid and silly and immoral. That because it is unnatural and a Vice. Wow-—why point the obvious out??????? when our jurisprudence is supposed to uphold Justice—which is promoting Virtue and God’s Laws.
I think Truth should be SHOUTED from the rooftops—always!!!! Guess I liked Samuel Adams’ and Jonathan Edwards’ style better than your trying to skirt truth so not to “offend” anyone. That is why we are in this hellhole today—people who think like you and are afraid to offend anyone so they actually “think”.