Posted on 10/25/2012 9:09:25 PM PDT by robowombat
robowombat~: “They double crossed us and swiped this bunch of heavy weapons and killed and sodomized our light in the loafers ambassador to underline what they think of us. I would like to think what will follow is a bigger version of what the Israelis did to the turds responsible for setting up the Munich Olympics Massacre.”
Say , don’t think that “ out light in the loafers ambassador “ got ‘Vince Fostered’ by our ‘Bathouse Barry’ , do you ?
With only one person between our ambassador and delivery to the Syrain rebels , and with a lot of money missing from the ‘safe house in Benghazi’ , one wants to follow the money ,..ya think ?
” - - - there’s growing evidence that U.S. agentsparticularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevenswere at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels. - - - “
GREAT POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The longer Secretary of Statements Hilly takes to get to the bottom of this, the more obvious it is that the Benghazi Cover Up was designed to hide a VERY BIG US SECRET TOPIC.
My guess is that the CIA had discovered that some of the 20,000 Libyan Missiles were found in the possession of Ansar al-Sharia, and Obama knew it.
Can Hilly and Billy keep this a secret until after November 6, 2012?
Over the last few weeks....these kind of reports have been turning up in disperse news is another I found tonight:
Looks to me like Obama and his cohorts are frantically trying to gather the weapons they gave our enemies back up.
Make no mistake.....these ARE impeachable and prosecutable offenses for ALL involved...from the WH on down the chain.
I think part of the reason why the QRF at Sigonella Sicily was not launched was fears they’d get shot down by MANPADS on the scene and that the whole thing might be a trap for that very purpose. —a Desert One scenario riight before a Presidential Election.
I wonder if a guy named Hussein is the one that is more treacherous than the terrorists he has been helping to overthrow lawful governments?
And dumping weapons into Syria?
Is there a pattern here?
Let’s see:
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood, those are terrorists
Libya: Al Qaeda among others seem to be about
Syria: Overthrow that government to get peaceful Muslims in charge there too?
The only question still to be answered: Are Americans the biggest idiots in history? Or will it take another four years for Obama to finally remove all doubt? Saying it another way, Obama is obviously working with the terrorists!
Purely speculative, but I heard another possible theory on the John Batchelor radio show tonight - that it was an Iranian directed attack in BenGhazi... That they were seeking to disrupt the supply to the rebels in Syria, where they are committed to propping up Assad.
Thank you for the ping. I have not been able to sleep tonight thinking about what is truly going on in our country. Please see post 5 too. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on tonight and the picture is not good...nor is it innocent. Our President and many high level people in our government are betraying and lying to the American people. If they are not forced to tell the truth soon and face the consequences of their actions....I fear our country is going to suffer an unimaginable horror very soon. some of them in the chain may have thought on some level that what they were doing would work...but it is really treason of the highest order.
Pray for our country.
You better wake up and fast.
Bill Clinton was our first Black President.
Obama is our first Muslim President, terrorist that is, arming Al Qaeda, overthrowing governments. It's called treason. Obama and his terrorists are betting you won't figure it out until it is all over. Are you going to wake up and think clearly?
Excuse me but I am wide no need for your tone with me.
Hey Ernest! Have seen this yet?
That theory has recently been making the rounds and frankly, it sounds like more propaganda being put out by the regime to throw off the stench of corruption and treason emanating from this administration. It is meant to stop our pondering and connecting lull us back to sleep. We are to trust that our government is doing everything in our best interests. I saw this excuse making the most rounds on liberal sites in my reading tonight. Of course, they are trying to latch on to any excuse right now to keep from facing the awful truth of their treasonous, lying president.
See post 5 too and this( which we should post in another thread if it hasn’t been already)
Sorry, no offense meant but sometimes being a bit of a smart a$$ moves the discussion quicker.
Does your reply mean that you are now seeing the obvious:
Obama is a traitor, best described as a Muslim working with Muslim terrorist to overthrow governments to be replaced with radicals?
That his budget defiicits were for the purpose of crippling the American economy?
That Obama’s energy policy is also for the purpose of destroying America?
That Obama’s social policies are designed to cause turmoil, not improvement.
Do you now agree that the impossible has happened. Obama has hijacked the liberals and made them useful idiots in his attack on America.
So who is Obama really working for?
Iran or Saudi Arabia? It looks like a little bit of both.
FWIW ignore the ankle biter.
Somebody get a hold of Tom Clancy. This is turning out to be something almost unbelievable. The more gets uncovered the bigger this seems to be getting.
At this point I do not think there is any other politician more treacherous than Obama, that would by necessity include his teleprompter programmers that write his material. The Clintons are not even a half step behind Obama on the trechery scale.
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