Perhaps she's studying Eskimo women in mythology for her major? and perhaps the "right" to "do things with her body" is her job prospect?
Obama will give her that opportunity -- maybe a life as a third runger in the Saudi sheik's harem?
How does Romney have the right to tell me what I can and cant do with my body? asked Tabitha Johnsen,
How can Obama or his wife have the right to tell you what to eat, how much you will be allowed to keep of any earnings, whether there will be any business allowed to exist that would hire you, how warm or cool you can be, whether or not you can afford electricity or how much you can drive or in what?
Romney is only telling you that you pay for your own choices, not what the choices will be. You have no right to mandate slavery of someone else to support your choices.
Under Romney, your state will decide its own laws and you can participate or not and if it isn’t to your liking, you can move.
I hope her vote is overwhelmed by her smarter peers.