Even with the distorted numbers, over 1.5 million people a month are applying for UI benefits!
Yet number of alleged jobs created averages less than 120,000 per month.
So roughly 2,400 jobs per state with roughly 30,000 people per state applying for UI.
Please explain how unemployment is at 7.8%, not mathematically possible!
As Romney said in the debate 50% of college graduates can’t find jobs. that is the real unemployment rate 50%.:
7.8% the media says . no it’s 50% This is the number we have to hit them with. This is much worse that the “great depression”. that college kid said it in the debate that “ they tell him when he graduates there won’t be a job for him”. I Hear this all the time from college students.
America used to be the land of opportunity. Obama has killed the American dream.