Posted on 10/18/2012 5:30:27 AM PDT by Perdogg
That’s a lot of undecided...
Which is good, I guess.
Look, a sitting Dem at 44.5% in Michigan with 13.5% undecided with 19 days to go. Think about it for a second. You don’t even need a second.
Look, a sitting Dem at 44.5% in Michigan with 13.5% undecided with 19 days to go. Think about it for a second. You don’t even need a second.
It is very good. Undecideds this late in a race almost always break hard for the challenger. Usually to the toon of 75% or more.
If these number are accurate then Romney would win Michigan.
O.K. we'll put you down as 'undecided.'
“O.K. we’ll put you down as ‘undecided.”
This is how it’s done too.
What’s so precious about this is I was going to say the undecideds would break 2-1 and boom, Michigan is a red state.
Someone said 75% before me, like it or not it looks like Michigan may turn red. If they call Michigan and Ohio for Romney it’s GG see you in 2016.
If this poll is accurate, Gov. Romney would need more than 2/3 of the undecided to take Michigan.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but this is a Dem-leaning state.
However, with it being this close, with such a high number of undecideds, it will require the anti-Christ to devote resources to Michigan. Which will be time, money, surrogates, visits, that won’t go to Ohio, Colorado, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, etc.
Obviously, when you can force the enemy to defend its home turf, it gives you an advantage in the territory that’s really up for grabs.
“Usually to the toon of 75% or more.” — Toon like in Cartoon? IT is good news. If Michigan weren’t such a union thug state+Detroit and other cities like it such hell holes for voter fraud, if it was a TRUE vote, I’d say Romney would stand a really good chance. The people’s basic values are more conservative — but it always seems like there are enough thugs around to spoil things. I would LOVE for it to be federal law that someone must show a picture ID to vote.
From ML Live: From Indies, Romney had 38.5 percent to Obamas 29.8 percent, with 26.6 percent unsure. Romney was up among men overall, 43.3 percent to 40.7 percent, but trailed Obama among women, 47 percent to 38.2 percent.
On the other hand if the Obamabots feel they might lose MI, they know they will also lose the election so there is no point to put money there (MI in this case is just a loss indicator). They would have to double down on OH and just hope the blue states stay blue.
It’s a bit like PA for Romney. No point to put money there because it is just an indicator of a landslide victory. Romney needs to concentrate on OH and let the others fall where they may.
Then again, what do I know—I just make up crap as I go.
The Romney pacs are running lots of ads now. I also was told they are buying Romney ads on the west side starting last night. MI is in play
Good point. Forgot about all the PACs. Living in a solid blue state, we don’t get to see all that stuff.
The 13.5% have a lot of people who live near the main Rat thug centers who would be afraid to tell a stranger on the phone that they will be voting for anyone but the community organizer.
The poll was conducted by Denno Research, whose president (Dennis Denno) is chief of staff to Democrat State Senator (from Detroit) Virgil Smith Jr.
Also, the poll was conducted before the VP debate.
IOW - this poll is nearly worthless.
The thing is, according to your theory, if Michigan goes Romney, Ohio is probably already toast for the anti-Christ.
But let's say they see some hope in Ohio they don't see in Michigan. Ohio is 18 electoral votes, Michigan is 16. If Gov. Romney wins Florida, North Carolina and Virginia, he only needs 22 more electoral votes to win.
The only advantage for the anti-Christ in going Ohio rather than Michigan is that Gov. Romney wins with Ohio and New Hampshire (and the rest of the toss-ups to the anti-Christ), but loses if it's Michigan and New Hampshire (and the rest of the toss-ups to the anti-Christ).
The problem is, Colorado is looking good for the governor, and you gotta figure, if he gets Michigan, he will get Colorado.
And then it's over, whether the anti-Christ gets Ohio or not.
No - I think the Kenyan just can't give up on Michigan.
We don’t know crosstabs, but it’s hard to oversample Ds in MI. Still, very, very good.
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