Candy Crowley intervened from the very first exchange, like a mother prompting her little boy who forgot his spiel or maybe doesn’t want to brag about his accomplishments.
The pattern was set: each candidate would give his answer to the (elementary) question, Candy would call on Barack and throw him some talking points, he would take the cue and do a little performance, and when Mitt Romney tried to do his rebuttal Candy would say that’s enough, let’s go to the next question.
This is a moderator? Why is there only one?
I'll take Biased Moderators for $20 Alex.
This article is good and points out some obvious problems with the debate format... What I find infuriating was the questions that were selected... “What’s your opinion about women earning 72% of men for equal work?” Sure, that came from an undecided! /sarc Shouldn’t these questions at least have been screened for some measure of unbiased accuracy? That 72% number has been debunked NUMEROUS times, but here goes Candy Crowley serving it up to Obama (or rather Romney which makes it another means of putting him on the defensive: answering a perfectly stupid question). Exasperating.
This is not a bad thing, as it keeps the talking class talking about Benghazi, and the next debate will roll it another few days along.
Obama’s inner Don Knotts came out loud and clear, that’s good too. He sounded guilty as sin and an octave too high.
Meanwhile I have found my tagline.
Love the headline and totally agree with the author. I hated the Townhall format. Thanks for posting SeekAndFind.
Candy Crowley was Obama’s debate coach and spokesperson. If he wins the election be assured she’ll get a huge promotion.
Considering Crowley’s blatant biased behavior last night, I’d say that the GOP has legitimate grounds to request a different moderator for next week’s debate. Bob Schieffer? Please. He was horrid four years ago. Seriously; we need a different moderator next week.
Crowley and CNN must be sued !
Fake journalism and media are trying to destroy US democracy and fair elections....That’s obvious
HOW did Obama KNOW that Crowley had the Rose Garden Trasncript at her desk??? hmmmmmmm....CHEATERS!!
Wanna really level the playing field on next debate? Hold it in a Republican stronghold in front of a Republican audience with Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin as moderator.