IT was slick to send Rice out for several reasons.
No matter what she said in the end she was a woman in a high position looking for Hillary’s job and she was black.She was foolproof! There was no way any DBM type would try and say she lied. They don’t have the stones for that type of journalism.
Yes, the WH sent her out to lie, but Rice works for the state department. The very same state dept that knew the truth in real time as the attack happened. Everyone now admits that.
The problem is the WH, and Biden in the debate, blamed the intelligence dept for the bad information.
The problem, ( as Brit Hume exposed with his question to Wallace), is if they blame intelligence, why did they select someone from the dept that knew the truth from day one to lie?
That proves they knew the truth, they sent her out and knew what she would say before she said it, and her dept knew the freaking truth!
The bottom line from all this is the WH spin fell apart when Cris Wallace was forced to admit that Obama sent her out there.
Cris Wallace ( liberal puke that he is) knew this, and so did Brit Hume when he asked the most important question asked on a news program in 2012!
IT was slick to send Rice out for several reasons.
No matter what she said in the end she was a woman in a high position looking for Hillarys job and she was black.She was foolproof! There was no way any DBM type would try and say she lied. They dont have the stones for that type of journalism.
Asking why turns out to be like fretting over why an alcoholic drinks—when it is only the FACT that he drinks that matters.
The classic KGB strategy is basically that all information is disinformation. And, most importantly, quantity trumps quality.
Thus, the more lies the better and in spades. If 1,000 lies are in play today, and only five are being unraveled by the opposition, that means 995 are being taken as “truth” or “fact.”
This is how you can convince the world that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, Hillary was named after Sir Edmund, Joe McCarthy was a surly drunkard, the American military is a collection of genocidal killers, Obama is a Christian, Bubba is from a little town called Hope, Romney didn’t pay his taxes, and so on and so forth.
It’s the KGB living on in perpetuity here in the form of “political strategy.” Just pile it up. Day after day after day just hit them with a torrent of lies, more than can be processed, and don’t worry that some might contradict others.
If it didn’t work so well, they wouldn’t do it.