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To: AFPhys
I am starting to really believe that Obama or someone in the political operations side of the WH actually DID want something like this to occur, and may in fact have done things to encourage it.

The set-up take.

I have been advocating this for about a week. Its hard to document 100% but if it looks like a duck....

If you have an ambassador who was intimately involved in getting weapons for supposed freedom fighters in Libya to take out Ghakdaffi and then he is asked to get the weapons back(possibly the three who died with Stevens were CIA and they were tasked with getting the weapons back) by state dept. or the obama regime fearing they are in the wrong hands and it would effect the election if the story gets out, you would think he would be protected all the way! Where the hell was CIA? Unless things are so far out of wack Stevens becomes a liability.

When Stevens asked for increased security for fear his life in in danger his security is removed and additional requests are not only ignored but they are told not to even ask anymore! The handwriting is pretty much on the wall.

Steven was assassinated. It was a hit.

Its pretty common knowledge the local embassy security staff" (the excuse by the regime for not getting security to Stevens true BS here)made up of local shop keepers and who knows whom else, were probably infiltrated with at least a few local terror types who probably spilled the beans to the al queda affiliates/friend or whom ever they were.They had the big time weapons and the rest is history.

Did dc/CIA let al queada do their dirty work for them had Stevens become too big a liability? Its all so murky its hard to guess. Meanwhile dc let it all happen,even watched it happen.

160 posted on 10/13/2012 4:57:16 PM PDT by rodguy911 (FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
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To: rodguy911

I noted suggestions like that a week or so ago. Sure is looking possible that could be in the running.

177 posted on 10/13/2012 5:57:07 PM PDT by AFPhys ((Praying for our troops, our citizens, that the Bible and Freedom become basis of the US law again))
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To: rodguy911

...and Stevens itinerary and other sensitive data was strewn all over the floor of the consulate, almost as a calling card.

Fourteen other current and former military officials have been assassinated in Benghazi so far this year and there have been other attempted assassinations. It has led local residents to claim there is a hit list, drawn up by an alleged undercover Islamist organisation.

185 posted on 10/13/2012 6:17:29 PM PDT by maggief
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