Posted on 10/08/2012 10:11:26 PM PDT by Justaham
Obamas 10 percentage point lead (47%-37%) in a poll conducted last month by EPIC-MRA of Lansing dropped to 3 points (48% to 45%), according to the poll of 600 likely voters conducted by EPIC-MRA of Lansing. The gap between Romney and Obama was within the polls margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points
Romney has come back like gangbusters, said EPIC-MRA President Bernie Porn. Whether or not its long-lasting, only time will tell, but probably the remaining debates will be key.
Conducted in the three days following the Wednesday debate, the poll showed more than five times as many Michiganders interviewed named Romney, not Obama, as the debates winner. Romneys numbers improved most dramatically among independent and undecided voters.
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hope it gets better
You just know it’s better than that.
The tectonic plates of political realignment are slowly shifting....
Causing a Giant Tsunami....
That will wash the usurper and his minions into the dustbin of history....
A Sandman with feet of clay.
I heard Bernie is really hard core.
Very interesting! I’m wary of any single poll result at this point - even one with numbers I really like, lol - but it’s undeniable Romney has the big momentum right now. If Romney and Ryan can stay on message and keep coming on strong like this, I’m very confident in their chances of winning in November.
...and hides behind a woman from his enemies.
The cameras at the debate only showed a few shots of Michelle Obama on stage and, from what I saw, she looked FURIOUS. I bet she tore into Barack and read him the riot act when they got to their hotel. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few lamps were broken and the Secret Service had to intervene.
This may be a Reagan style wipeout when I have only predicted a landslide.
Romney will win New Jersey.
That sounds insane, that Romney will win NJ, but you never know. What makes you think that?
Best polling so far shows Romney 14 points down.
There is no much reliable polling from New Jersey as of late. The latest Rasmussen poll comes from the end of May showing Romney down 6.
Post convention this poll says -7
Chris Christie is liked in New Jersey. Thats a plus for Romney.
It is not impossible that Romney/Ryan could win New Jersey. I wish we had more polling to find out if it is as close as I think it is.
Hope U R right.
Wow, can U just imagine the ATTACKS on Romney that are coming?!
Did anyone see the article about the Twitter death threats to Romney and also to actress Stacey Dash for her twitter support of Romney?
2010 election house races compared to 2008 shows that the Republicans shaved between 8-13 points off of districts they lost and added one house seat in district 3.
Someone from Pa here. I would love to see this state competitive. However, though it is very conservative on the social issues it still has a heavy union thought pattern, though not as big a union state as it used to be. It’s more my Dad was in the union (like myself) or I used to be in a union than I am in a union. However, old traits die hard and the union line still permeates with these type of people.
I think an organization like the NRA would have more influence here than even Romney. I would like to start seeing the NRA run adds here for Romney. I see they have now officially endorsed the Romney/Ryan ticket and so they may start running adds here supporting him.
If Romney wins Pennsylvania, it’s over. He’ll win big. I’m hoping, but not expecting him to take Pa.
If R/R take New Jersey the election for Obammer is OVER!
Would be nice to see our state come to its senses, wouldn’t it? All them old-time Dem deer hunters and coal miners upstate maybe realizing who they’re voting for when they pull the “D” lever for the first time in their lives...
I have no hope for Philly or Pittsburgh, but they are not the entire state.
A Jersey win would be pretty resounding, wouldn’t it? It’s almost the ultimate Nanny Dem state.
Not holding out hope for that, though. I think Christie is an anomaly. Corzine was such a POS that the people just got fed up with his BS and threw him out.
The legislature, though...that’s the key.
If both houses of Jersey’s congress went R - and I mean strong, Tea-Party R - it would be earth-shattering, politically. Has it EVER been? I don’t remember it.
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