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Despite disapproval of Romney's faith, many evangelicals say that won't affect their vote
Chattanooga time free press ^ | 10/7/12 | Clint Cooper

Posted on 10/07/2012 10:09:24 AM PDT by barmag25

Chattanooga-area evangelical church pastors may believe the Mormon faith is a cult and may not consider Gov. Mitt Romney a Christian, but they said that won't stop them from considering a vote for him in next month's presidential election.

More than eight in 10 voters in a Pew Forum poll this summer said they were comfortable with the Republican nominee's faith or it didn't matter to them. Nineteen percent said they were uncomfortable with his faith.

"We are electing a president, not a pastor," said Tim Shoap, co-pastor of Signal Mountain Bible Church. "I want the best and most effective leader we can get, [one] who will represent the interests of the people and the country in keeping with the original intent of the Constitution. For me, that makes the Mormon issue largely irrelevant."

While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints consider themselves Christians, several local evangelical pastors do not.

"Mormonism is a cult," said Jeremy Roberts, pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church. "Mormons are polytheistic universalists who deny that Jesus is the eternal son of God."

However, he said he would base his vote on "policy, leadership skills and who I perceive will most likely lead the country in the direction I believe is best."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Tennessee
KEYWORDS: 2012issues; christianvote; elections; lds; ldschurch; romney; romney2012
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To: svcw

Despite disapproval of Romney’s faith, many evangelicals say that won’t affect their vote

181 posted on 10/12/2012 8:20:09 AM PDT by BlueMoose
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To: Tennessee Nana

The Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior; He is my Best Friend; He is the Only Begotten of the Father; He is my Redeemer; He is my Advocate with the Father; He is the Son of the Most High; He is everything to me and the Head of the Church.

We’ll see how long it will be before I am banned again for being a Mormon.

182 posted on 10/12/2012 1:04:17 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy ( For victory & freedom!!!)
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To: BlueMoose

I dont know who or what these “evangalical” friends of yours are...

but Christians, both Catholics and Protestants, dont choose to vote FOR Willard...

They choose to vote AGAINST Obama..

183 posted on 10/12/2012 1:06:54 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Tennessee Nana

I just don’t know. I didn’t post it.

184 posted on 10/12/2012 2:26:01 PM PDT by BlueMoose
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To: Saundra Duffy

Sandy you were never banned for being a Mormon...

That persecution complex of yours is tripping to the max...

on steroids...

but Im glad you finally found a ladder...

and yes the LORD Jesus Christ who is God is Savior of the world...

He came to die on the Cross and shed His blood to save everyone...

but not everyone will choose to believe on Jesus, erepent of their sins and be saved..

Many will reject Him and when they die will go to Hell where there is no escape...

The LORD Jesus Christ said to Sandy, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man or woman comes to the Father except by Me.” John 14:6...

You see Sandy, God Himself, the Word of God, came down from Heaven and was born a human baby, conceived by the Holy Ghost, the Son of a Virgin named Mary, a young woman who had never had sex with a man nor a mormon god...

The LORD Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God...

There are no other children of God produced in such a way...the Only Son of God...

Nither Lucifer/Satan nor you are children of God..

Only Jesus...

While you as a Mormon believe that you have THREE mormon gods, the God of the Christian Bible is One...

So God is God the Father, God the Son (the Word) and God the Holy Ghost...

While Mormons believe that Joey Smith was the “holy ghost” he was not...

From the mormon doctrines...

John W. Taylor of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 1888: “I will not rest as I have told you many times until every spirit bows in reverence to our Father and to Jesus His Son, and to Joseph, the Prophet. I will not rest until that trinity is placed in its proper place and praise and glory given to them forever and forever.” [Discourse in Tabernacle, Church Archives.]

The mormons can try to kick out God the real Holy ghosty and replace Him with the a murderer and child rapist Joey Smith but they cant succeed...

The Holy Ghost has always God...

Jesus has always the Word and then 2000 years ago as the Man, Jesus...

The Word became flesh and dwelled amongst men as a brown eyed, brown skinned Middle Eastern man from Israel...

Jesus never had blue eyes and blonde hair like the mormon jesus is depicted...

He wasnt an American, He was a Jew...from the Middle East...

He looked more like Mohammad than Joey Smith who wanted so desparately to be Mo...”Joseph Smith or the Sword” 1838...

Jesus never sinned during His 33 years as a Man...

He was baptised by His Earthly cousin John in the River Jordon and the Holy Ghost came down and baptised Him with Power to accomplish His Earthly mission...

From that time on He worked towards His death on the Cross...

He went around doing good..preaching the Gospel, (the REAL one) healing the sick, casting out devils...

The REAL Gospel does nto include missionaries going down into Hell and preaching the mormon lies about gettin bg out of there and go0ing to heaven...through Willard and others proxy dead dunking them...

Thats a lie from the pit of Hell and denies the power to save that is in the Blood of the LORD Jesus Christ..
He was never married had no children...

There are no marriages in Heaven...

I know you support polygamy religously to the point of berating myself and other FReepers for saying it is adultery and a sin and that there is no polygamy in Heaven nor mentioned in the Bible that is God sanctioned ...

But people dont go to Heaven still married to their wives or husbands...

Yes we will be friends and know one another but not in the Biblical sense...

That was just a figment of the lustfulled evil minds of Joesy Smith and Brigham Young..and other mormon “presidents” down to 1945 when the last SLC polygamist mormon leader died...

The LORD Jesus Christ chose to lay down His life and die for all mankind, so that all whether male, female, Jew or Gentile (Gentile includes Mormons)could be saved and go to Heaven...

He was never a victim like your mormon leader Tommy Monson declared Him to be..

It was always Gods intention for Jesus to die on the Cross...He came to die...

otherwise why bother even leaving Heaven and coming down here to this mess ???

He made Heaven to live in...He liked it there...

All are equal to God whether male female black white etc...

God never was a racist bigot like the Mormons have been...

Nor was he a sexist who hated women and discounted them as 2nd class citizens or Moslems and Mormons do...

Jesus hung on the Cross and shed His soul saving Blood there for EVERYONE...

For whomever will...regardless of how bad they were or who they were...

Nobody can get good enough to be saved...

There is npo power on Earth to make anyone a good person...

All are sinners...Joey Smith you, everyone..

If Joey Smith had ever repented of his sins and beleved in Jesus God would have forgiven his many sins and he would have been saved...

But NO...

In May 1844 he boasted he was greater than Jesus ...

and so one month later Jesus destroyed him ...

Its never a good thing to declare you are or want to be or have plans to be ...greater than God...

Looked what happened to Lucifer...and the same for Joey Smith...

After 3 1/2 years of ministering, Jesus gasthered His 12 closest disciples together and had that final Passover meal with them...

He who was to be the ultimate Passover lamb...

Imaging their astonishment when He took the middle loaf...representing Isaac... out from the 3 and use it to commemorate the occasion saying “This is MY body”

he told them to celebrate Communion in the furture to commemorsate the breaking of His body for them...

and then the wine ...REAL femented wine not just grape juice or kool ade...and NOT water...

He told them the wine represented His Blood that was shed for them and for many...

He told them to remember Him as often as they drank it during Communion...

and then to the garden where He was in agony when He thought about what was to come ...the separation from God for a time...

All the sins of the world would be upon Him and He would not be able to commuinicate with the Father...God cannot look upon sin...

When I think of the sacrifice He made for me...How can I not love Him and want to worship Him ???

He can I not want to commincate with God the Father who was so important to the Only begotten Son that He would suffer at the very thought He would have to go through all that alone ???

But He was God and He knew God and had spent eons with Hinm in Heaven and before that...In the beginning, God...

He trusted Him to ber there at the end of His trials and death...

They came to arrest Him...

Peter expected Jesus to beat up the guards as He had in the past...but no not this time...

It was the chosen time for his death...

He told Peter to put away the sword and He healed the mans ear...

He coul;d have called 10,000 angels ...created beings...but He didnt ...

He went quietly with His capters that night and endured the trials...

The Roman soldiers spat on Him pulled out His beard and whipped Him till the blood poured down, bone showed ripping chunks of flesh from His torso...

He allowed the bruising for our iniquioties, He allowed the whipping for our healing...Isaiah 53:5

They crowned Him with a crown of thorns...not like the rose bushes in my gaden but these were big dagger like thorns..they cut into His head...

They mocked Him and put a robe on Him...

They bowed to Him and laughed and scorned...These were ignorant men who didnt believe that the Bible was the Woerd of God...

Just like the Mormons mock Him, and His servants the pastors and Christianity during their pagan temple rituals...through ignorance...

Then they led Him up the hill to Golgotha...the place of the dead...the city dump...

He was so weak and destroyed in His body already that Simon was ordered to carry the Cross for Him...

Then they nailed Him to a tree...

He wasnt banned or had a bit of water thrown on Him...He was nailed to some boards and hung up in the air to die in suffocate and die a horrible death...Psalm 22...

On either side of Him they hung a deserving of the fate and death...

One cursed Him...the other sympathized with Him...

that one asked to join Him in His Kingdom...He promised the thief “This day you weill be in Paradise with me...”

While He hung on the Cross He had no communication with God the Father ...

He had become SIN...

He cried out to God but there was no answer...

How alone He must have felt ...cut of from the Father He loved...

Then there was darkness for 3 hours and then He died 6 hours after they had hung Him there...

The Earth quaked and He went down into Hell...

The power of God was so strong in tghe kingdom of the dead that people came out of their graves anbd walked about and were recognized by the living...

He stayed in Hell 3 days and walked up to Lucifer/Satan and took the keys anddeat, Hell and destruction out of hhis hands...

THe LORD Jesus Christ never gave them to anyone...He still has them...He earned them...

After 3 days He arose again from the grave and a former prostitute named Mary Madgalene was the first one to see Him...

She was told to go and tell Peter and the others that he had risen...

After that He stayed around Israel only and about 500 people saw Him...

He told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were endued with powert from on high...

Then he went back to where He had come from, Heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father...

50 days later the Holy Spirit fell on 1230 men and women and filled them and they preached the Gospel with power and anoiting and the church of Christ, His Bride, His Body, was born...

He built His church and He has never left her...

He promised that even Satan would not prevail against her and he never has been able to...

For 2,000 years the LORD Jesus Christ hasd not lost, dropped, mislaidm misplaced had stolen or gave away His Bride, His Body, His church...

We who are believers, Christians are safe with Him our Bridegroom...

Not in 2,000 years has any of His message been changed or lost...

regardless of wolves such as Joey Smith and other liars, he has stayed faithful to us His Bride...

He is God and God is not a man that He should lie...

The LORD Jesus Christ is God...

The Bible is His Word...

There is no other...

He shares His glory and judgeship with nobody...

He alone will judge...

Joey Smith was judged...He was never our judge...

The LORD Jesus Christ I speak of is not the Head of the mormon religion...

The mormon religion along with Islam and every other false religion is under His feet..

He is the Head of His church...the Christians...

Mormons are not Christans...

Joey Smith was never a prophet of God...

The upstart false prophets Joey Smith and Mohsammad are under the feet of Jesus just as all His enemies are...

The LORD Jesus Christ is LORD of lords and KING of Kings...

There is no other...

185 posted on 10/12/2012 3:31:15 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Saundra Duffy

We will establish our religion with the sword. We will trample down our enemies and make it one gore of blood, from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. I will be to this generation a 2nd Muhammad, whose motto in treating for peace was ‘the Al-Qur’an or the sword.’ So shall it be with us — ‘Joseph Smith or the sword!’

Joseph Smith, 1838

(History of the Church, Vol. 3, p. 167)

“It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring of eighteen hundred and twenty.”

That would be a good time of year for the Amanita Muscaria (psychedelic mushroom) to be fruiting. The first vision is amazingly similar to classic Amanita Muscaria poisoning. You can Google it. That means Joseph wasn’t lying when he said he saw god. Some people in the modern day claim the same thing in similar circumstances, although most shroomers opt for Psylocybes.

Joseph was no stranger to alchemy and shamanic technology, but wise enough to leave it out of the historical record.

186 posted on 10/12/2012 3:44:34 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: svcw

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

187 posted on 10/12/2012 4:28:31 PM PDT by BlueMoose
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To: Saundra Duffy

Oh good Lord Almighty, not the lds are back.

188 posted on 10/12/2012 4:32:41 PM PDT by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
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To: BlueMoose

I agree, so I should stop talking to you.

189 posted on 10/12/2012 4:33:27 PM PDT by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
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To: Tennessee Nana
Nana, there is no point.

It has been made perfectly clear........that there are some who are more valuable than others.

So enjoy your evening, have a pizza and a beer, rent a movie (or watch FRINGE - my favorite show) and enjoy.

Perfectly clear -

Except, sometimes its just fun...... ;-)

190 posted on 10/12/2012 4:37:55 PM PDT by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
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To: Saundra Duffy
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior; He is my Best Friend; He is the Only Begotten of the Father; He is my Redeemer; He is my Advocate with the Father; He is the Son of the Most High

If this is correct, the real question is, why are you a mormon.

It is not what they teach.

191 posted on 10/12/2012 4:57:52 PM PDT by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
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