Townhall style is tha absolute worst. Totally phony and easy for the alphabets to control.
I was going to say that didn’t write the article and no one forced you to read it, until I realized that you did not mean the magazine. Your point is excellent and so true
I’m not terribly worried about the town hall format. Sure the format is a little more relaxed and I’m sure there will be a couple of dubious questions. But the reality is all of the facts are on Romney’s side, and Romney is a capable pitchman.
All Obama has left are talking points and zingers. For For example, lets say the topic of spending cuts comes up,and Obama whips out the “he doesn’t want to get tough on Wall Street, he wants to get tough on Sesame Street” line. If he does that he’s a fool as he opens himself up to an enormous zinger.
Mitt: Mr. President, these are serious times, and you are making silly arguments about defunding government programs we can no longer afford. Middle class Americans are having to make hard budget decisions of their own, can we afford that new car, how do we pay our mortgage this month, how can we afford college for our kids? How can we expect people to make these kind of tough economic decisions without tightening our own belts in Washington. For years both parties have been spending on the backs of our kids and grandkids, and it needs to stop.
Obummer would have no answers other than more Uhhhs and Ummmms.