I know this was probably done before last night's debate, but how the hell does a guy go up 4 points in one day?????
We can only hope that Obama’s poor debate performance shakes things up, but so far there is no real polling evidence that indicates last night’s debate has changed the trajectory of this election. Most polls show Obama at right about 50% approval, and now this one shows him at 54%.
The next 48-72 hours will tell the story. If the polls don’t move in Romney’s favor after Mitt kicked Hussein’s butt in the debate, then nothing is likely to change the course of this election.
They only call OBAMA PHONES!
They took this poll in the South.
The southside of Chicago.
Gallup is a 7 day average, I believe. It will take a few days to see how the numbers move. I am expecting the MSM to really start fudging poll numbers now, to protect their girlfriend.
“Adults” LoL. Perhaps it is useful to poll adults about booze but that is about it.
It is called fudging the numbers. Were there any internals listed?
That is why I say I do not believe in Polls..
7 day rolling average , pre-debate poll = Meaningless. Nice try Flo.
I smell Axelgrease all over this.
None of the polls mean anything whatsoever.
The "margin of error" polls give is a range that the results will fall within 95% IF you have a random experiment repeated a certain number of times. The more times you repeat the random experiment, the smaller the range is.
Polls attempt to simulate a repeated random experiment in each interview they perform, but they can't ever get it truly random. How far they are off is something that can't be quantified into a "margin of error", but it is there, and causes polls to be more volatile due to what is appropriately called "confounding" factors.
On Morning Joe, David Axelrod asks the media for help taking down Mitt Romney.