To: Yaelle; John W; InvisibleChurch; dayglored; retrokitten; WXRGina; tomkat; womanvet; mass55th; ...
30 minutes to get back into this thread. FR. Is utterly useless when it counts the most. I am frustrated because I do donate a lot here and these events are important to me to share with you all.Lot's of folks posted similar comments last night. JimRob posted this apology late in the evening:
Sorry about the downtime tonight. Dont know what happened there other than our system became overloaded. Still dont know when John is planning on installing the new equipment, but hoping it is soon. This was very disappointing.
1,622 posted on
10/04/2012 11:51:22 AM PDT by
(Presstitutes: Journalists who refuse to ask hard questions and who report by omission or distortion)
To: CedarDave
1,623 posted on
10/04/2012 11:57:32 AM PDT by
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson