“You Can Still Trust the Communists...to Be Communists (Socialists and Progressives too)” by Schwarz and Noebel is my favorite resource book on Communism and all the people sucked into its philosophy. It is the best handbook on the subject and makes concepts like “Dialectical Materialism” easy to understand. Noebel has an entire chapter on Keynes influence-—and notes his depravity. Keynes was a degenerate and evil, yet buried with honors and idolized by evil socialists. He is promoted and adored by evil Harvard professors today-—to collapse our economy or simply because they are dupes.
From that chapter:
“Today, we will link the US House of Representatives—and its radical, progressive, Socialistic societies and caucuses—directly to Karl Marx through Keynes and the Fabians.”
I love the book “Brothers K.” by Dostoevsky-—and Noebel has this quote from the Russian author who understood socialism so well.....” The future kingdom of socialism will be a terrible tyranny of criminals and murderers. It will throw humanity into a true hell of spiritual suffering and poverty.” (Sounds like the Chicago crowd).
Hard Core Communists/Marxists/Socialists/Progressives are truly evil and degenerates——all of them are filthy and will do great evil if they can get away with it, whether you are talking Clintons, zero, etc. They worship Satan and homosexual practices because it throws out all of Christian Ethics and defiles and mocks God’s Design of man. They want to be the gods.
Promoting Vice as “Good” and a “Right” is what they do to destroy civil societies—to create chaos so they can ‘save’ the day with totalitarianism.
Without Virtue—there is no civil society, as Dostoevsky noted. Promoting homosexuality as “good” is confusing children and corrupts their reality so that nothing True and Good is understood-—so they fall for the Big Lies that are fed by socialist philosophy. They become useful idiots.
All children need to learn that homosexual behavior is not only dysfunctional and unnatural, but dehumanizing and vile use of the body. It is one of the most grievous sins. To teach children that Vice-—as Jerry Brown is doing-—is not only evil, it corrupts the innocence of children who shouldn’t even have such ideas in their heads at young ages. It corrupts their reality-—destroys respect of parents and human beings-—make them remove morality from the sex act——the easiest way to corrupt and destroy society is to destroy morality in the children. Formation of character has to occur in childhood—otherwise—there is no character.
“They worship Satan and homosexual practices because it throws out all of Christian Ethics and defiles and mocks Gods Design of man. They want to be the gods.”
Thanks for your recommendations. I’ll certainly look them up and most likely purchase a few. I started this journey when it occurred to me that no one ever challenged the individual who wrote “The Deputy” which was a play denigrating Pope Pius XII during WWII. All political leaders at the time were in awe of the pope, especially Golda Meir, so it was strange that someone suddenly decided to write such a scathing play about him. I looked him up somewhat briefly because I got really waylaid by his friends, their friends and mentors and so on ...they were pedophiles, menage a trois, and even worse. This led me to the Fabians of the early 1;9th century. Virginia Wolfe, HG Wells, GB Shaw, Edward Carpenter, John Davidson, Havelock Ellis (huge barf), Wests, Darwin, Pease, even Aleister Crownley (Golden Dawn) which brought one to Madame Blatevensky ?SP, Margaret Sanger visited them and had an affair with one of them, and many others to include especially and particularly John Ruskin, his mentors (Irving and Carlyle the latter for hwich the Carlyle HOuse is probably named). John Ruskin was the individual I tracked - his influence on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and their influence on art...such as, John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti...they got into naturalism w/ grear encouragement from Ruskin. Follow Ruskin and he’ll take you back to malevont practices. I track the Fabians, and their ancestors... which led to even more horrific occult practices. Today we see the same ancestral practices which have been hidden due to Christianity but now becoming more commonplace...They won’t be happy until anything and eveything is acceptable - even pediphilia - even with animals - probably the reason they align themselves with Islam.
Sorry hope it makes sense...in a hurry. Thanks again susie for your recommentdations. I wanted something which tracked these sexual, occult practices back to the French Revolution or back further...there’s a pattern.