Try for supposedly non partisan counts.
NOW I realize what George Washington must have felt when it looked like all was lost. BUT, he took to his knees and prayed to the only SOURCE we have and that is God almighty. It was then when the battle took a resounding turn. This great nation was under great christian men who fought with their lives so that we could live as a free people. FAITH moves mountains....BEND THE KNEE today and beg God for mercy and that the evil ones ruling our nation will fall by the wayside and be literally destroyed by the HAND of God! LORD JESUS HELP US we are a needy people! 40 days of fasting started Friday Sept.28 and will continue until Nov. 6. If God gave W the victory in FL with only 600 votes because a vast of people fasted and prayed, surely He can still do great and mighty works because of the cries of His children in distress! Join me in fasting and praying for our nation. HOPE IS STILL ALIVE!!
I think rocks!