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Back in the 80's I was thinking Republicans would be a lot more competitive with blacks by now. Here it is a quarter of a century later. I don't expect to see things changed much in the next 25 years.
1 posted on 09/24/2012 6:16:30 PM PDT by lasereye
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To: lasereye

Good for him.

2 posted on 09/24/2012 6:17:59 PM PDT by Revolting cat! (Bad things are wrong!)
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To: lasereye

Someone should translate this to Spanish.

3 posted on 09/24/2012 6:19:42 PM PDT by TBall
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To: lasereye

All it takes is a few at at a time...they can begin a tsunami of people walking away from the anti-Christian Demonrat party.

I am sick and tired of the equivocation...people saying “Oh, both parties are the same.” Bullcrap. They’re not.

Neither party is perfect, but that doesn’t make them equally imperfect.

Obamugabe is openly hostile to religious and devoted Jews, evangelical and Catholic Christians, and looks for excuses to embrace Islamic hatemongers.

Not a single candidate on the Republican side would’ve done that...even Ron Paul’s isolationism didn’t go there.

Leave the Democrats or change them, Christians and Jews who take your faith seriously.

4 posted on 09/24/2012 6:20:01 PM PDT by SoFloFreeper
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To: lasereye

Where’ve you been the last forty years, pastor?

You sold your soul long ago, but now you’re waking up to see you’ve been serving the devil all this time?

5 posted on 09/24/2012 6:20:06 PM PDT by jtal (Runnin' a World in Need with White Folks' Greed - since 1492)
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To: lasereye

The brainwashing is deep and it has been institutionalized in the public education system.

Public education is one of the biggest threats to American liberty. It seeks to chain people to slavery to the state.

6 posted on 09/24/2012 6:21:13 PM PDT by Bullish (Barry's not fit to shine the shoes of a REAL President.)
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To: lasereye

I am impressed with the Bishop! Good luck with that, no seriously I think it’s great.

7 posted on 09/24/2012 6:21:19 PM PDT by marygam (#Hurry November 2012, we might not make it#)
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To: lasereye
Just like Reagan once said, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the party left me". The democratic party has thrown all Christians, and in particular Catholics, under the bus. It is good that they realize it, and we need to welcome them. We will never get the NAACP crowd, they are wired into the Democratic spoils system. But we don't need them. Blacks of faith are the middle class, people very similar to conservatives in every way except voting, and its time they and we acknowledged it.

Welcome to your new home, Bishop.

8 posted on 09/24/2012 6:25:06 PM PDT by Vince Ferrer
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To: lasereye
Good for Bishop Jackson!

If you know him, will you please copy the following for him. I believe that he can use this extraordinary Sermon from 1876 to reinforce his views, if he is not doing so already. The title of Reverend Benjamin W. Arnett's Sermon was "Righteousness Exalteth a Nation, but Sin is a Reproach to any People."

Yesterday, one of my posts here included a portion of a stirring call to the nation in the form of a sermon by a Black minister and Ohio State Legislator on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of our Declaration of Independence.

That Minister's "Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon" can be read in its entirety at the American Memory section of the Library of Congress, but excerpts from it are contained my post here.

In that post, Arnett's concluding remarks are quoted; however, the section of his Sermon just preceding that conclusion call attention to a "movement" being led by what he described as "liberals"--men who wanted to change the Constitution's protections for religious freedom into a sinister restriction on that freedom. The "movement" sounds eerily like that of so-called "progressives" who, as we can see, already have accomplished many of the goals outlined in what Bishop Arnett called "The Danger to our Country":

"The Danger to our Country.

"Now that our national glory and grandeur is principally derived from the position the fathers took on the great questions of right and wrong, and the career of this nation has been unparalleled in the history of the past, now there are those who are demanding the tearing down the strength of our national fabric. They may not intend to tear it down, but just as sure as they have their way, just that sure will they undermine our superstructure and cause the greatest calamity of the age. What are the demands of this party of men? Just look at it and examine it for yourselves, and see if you are willing that they shall have their way; or will you still assist in keeping the ship of state in the hands of the same crew and run her by the old gospel chart! But ye men who think there is no danger listen to the demands of the Liberals as they choose to call themselves:

"'Organize! Liberals of America! The hour for action has arrived. The cause of freedom calls upon us to combine our strength, our zeal, our efforts. These are The Demands of Liberalism:

"'1. We demand that churches and other ecclesiastical property shall no longer be exempt from just taxation.

"'2. We demand that the employment of chaplains in Congress, in State Legislatures, in the navy and militia, and in prisons, asylums, and all other institutions supported by public money, shall be discontinued.

"'3. We demand that all public appropriations for sectarian educational and charitable institutions shall cease.

"'4. We demand that all religious services now sustained by the government shall be abolished; and especially that the use of the Bible in the public schools, whether ostensibly as a text-book or avowedly as a book of religious worship, shall be prohibited.

"'5. We demand that the appointment, by the President of the United States or by the Governors of the various States, of all religious festivals and fasts shall wholly cease.

"'6. We demand that the judicial oath in the courts and in all other departments of the government shall be abolished, and that simple affirmation under the pains and penalties of perjury shall be established in its stead.

"'7. We demand that all laws directly or indirectly enforcing the observance of Sunday as the Sabbath shall be repealed.

"'8. We demand that all laws looking to the enforcement of “Christian” morality shall be abrogated, and that all laws shall be conformed to the requirements of natural morality, equal rights, and impartial liberty.

"'9. We demand that not only in the Constitution of the United States and of the several States, but also in the practical administration of the same, no privilege or advantage shall be conceded to Christianity or any other special religion; that our entire political system shall be founded and administered on a purely secular basis; and that whatever changes shall prove necessary to this end shall be consistently, unflinchingly, and promptly made.'

"'Let us boldly and with high purpose meet the duty of the hour.'

"Now we must not think that we have nothing to do in this great work, for the men who are at the head of this movement are men of culture and intelligence, and many of them are men of influence. They are led by that thinker and scholar, F. E. Abbott, than whom I know but few men who has a smoother pen, or who is his equal on the battle-field of thought. He says in an address on the duty of his leagues:

"'My answer may be a negative one to all who see nothing positive in the idea of liberty. The conviction I refer to is this: that, regarded as a theological system, Christianity is Superstition, and, regarded as an organized institution, Christianity is Slavery. The purpose I refer to is this: that, whether regarded as theological system, Christianity shall wholly cease to exercise influence in political matters. Although the national Constitution is strictly secular and non-Christian, there are many things in the practical administration of the government which violate its spirit, and constitute a virtual recognition of Christianity as the national religion. These violations are very dangerous; they are on the increase; they more and more give Christianity a practical hold upon the government; they directly tend to strengthen the influence of Christianity over the people, and to fortify it both as a theology and a church; and they are therefore justly viewed with growing indignation by liberals. Not unreasonably are they looked upon as paving the way to a formidable effort to carry the Christian Amendment to the Constitution; and the liberals are beginning to see that they must extinguish the conflagration in its commencement. I believe all this myself, with more intense conviction every day; and therefore I appeal frankly to the people to begin now to lay the foundations of a great National Party of Freedom. It is not a moment too soon. If the liberals are wise, they will see the facts as they are, and act accordingly. Not with hostility, bitterness, defiance, or anger but rather with love to all men and high faith in the beneficence of consistently republican institutions, do I urge them most earnestly to begin the work at once.'

"He acknowledges that this is a religious nation and wants all men to assist him in eliminating the grand old granite principles from the framework of our national union. Will you do it freeman; will we sell the temple reared at the cost of so much precious blood and treasure? These men would have us turn back the hands on the clock of our national progress, and stay the shadow on the dial plate of our christian civilization; they would have us call a retreat to the soldiers in the army of Christ; the banner of the cross they would have us haul down, and reverse the engines of war against sin and crime; the songs of Zion they would turn into discord, and for the harmony and the melody of the sons of God, they would give us general confusion; they would have us chain the forces of virtue and unloose the elements of vice; they would have the nation loose its moorings from the Lord of truth and experience and commit interest, morally, socially; religiously and politically to the unsafe and unreliable human reason; they would discharge God and his crew and run the ship of State by the light of reason, which has always been but a dim taper in the world, and all the foot-prints it has left are marked with the blood of men, women and children. No nation is safe when left alone with reason.

"But we have no notion of giving up the contest without a struggle or a battle. We are aware that there is a great commotion in the world of thought. Religion and science are at arms length contending with all their forces for the mastery. Faith and unbelief are fighting their old battles over again, everything that can be shaken is shaking. The foundations of belief are assaulted by the army of science and men are changing their opinions. New and starting theories are promulgated to the world; old truths are putting on new garbs. Error is dressing in the latest style, wrong is secured by the unholy alliances, changes in men and things, revolution in church and state, Empires are crumbling, Kingdoms tottering; everywhere the change is seen. In the social circle, in the school house, in the pulpit and in the pews. But amid all the changes and revolutions there are some things that are unchangeable, unmovable and enduring. The forces that underline the vital power of Christianity are the same yesterday, to-day, to-morrow and forever more. They are like their God, who is omnipotent, immovable and eternal, and everywhere truth has marched it has left its moccasin tracks."

So said Benjamin W. Arnett in 1876. Do we hear his words?

Indeed, there is need for a "revival" of the ideas of liberty in America in the Year 2012!

11 posted on 09/24/2012 6:31:49 PM PDT by loveliberty2
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To: lasereye

There is nothing democratic about the “Democrat” Party.

12 posted on 09/24/2012 6:34:37 PM PDT by AlexW
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To: lasereye

Generally I say democrats should remain in the party they’re in but this guy seems to get it and sounds like he’s probably more conservative than a good many republicans already.

13 posted on 09/24/2012 6:36:11 PM PDT by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: lasereye
Black Pastors Launch Anti-Obama Campaign to Convince African Americans to Withdraw Support for the President
African American pastors continue their march against President Barack Obama’s gay marriage endorsement. Since May, when the president first announced his change of heart , a plethora black faith leaders have struggled to understand why Obama has taken what they see as an anti-religious stance on the matter. Now, just months before the 2012 election, a group of black pastors is coming together to advance an anti-Obama campaign.
14 posted on 09/24/2012 6:42:52 PM PDT by RedMDer (
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To: lasereye

I work with a piping designer who happens to be black, and attends a black church in Houston. He was telling me how the pastor’s sermon was ripping at Obama due to the pres__ent’s immoral anti-Christian views, and that no real Christian can cast a vote for Obama. So yes, it is happening. There is outrage in the black community, and this gay marriage thing is what has pushed it over the edge. Many in the community are waking up to the fact that, to Obama and the leadership in the Democratic Party, they are just tools.

If you look back in the early history of the NAACP, the NAACP did not want the “help” of the Communist Party (see “The Communist”, about Frank Marshall Davis). In the 1930’s they resisted the attempted infiltration by the CPUSA, since it was clear that the CPUSA only saw the black people as props, and as cannon fodder.

15 posted on 09/24/2012 6:50:21 PM PDT by Fred Hayek (The Democratic Party is the operational wing of CPUSA.)
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To: lasereye

People attached to the Democratic Party think it means they are for the “little guy” like them instead of the fat cats. I don’t think we can convince them otherwise. People have a need to deceive themselves.

16 posted on 09/24/2012 6:50:47 PM PDT by Theodore R. ( Who among us has not erred? Akin's the One!)
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To: lasereye

Is it the Republican’s fault? God over party should transcend race.

17 posted on 09/24/2012 7:01:40 PM PDT by STJPII
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To: lasereye; All

” - - - Bishop E.W. Jackson of S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True To America’s National Destiny) - - - “

Hats off to Bishop Jackson for taking a stand instead of caving in to the Democrat Elite ruling counterculture.

Welcome to all members of S.T.A.N.D. and Exodus Now to FREE Republic!

We believe in conserving what is best about America, and thus call ourselves Conservatives. WELCOME!

19 posted on 09/24/2012 7:05:48 PM PDT by Graewoulf ((Traitor John Roberts' Obama"care" violates Sherman Anti-Trust Law, AND the U.S. Constitution.))
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To: lasereye

You mean both of them?

20 posted on 09/24/2012 7:05:59 PM PDT by SkyPilot
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To: lasereye
I saw a Black guy with a bull horn on a Baltimore street corner yesterday shouting "NO-BAMMA" and "Don't be fooled again". Had a large group of the Sisters with him. A news truck was on the next corner.

Prolly waiting for a shooting.

23 posted on 09/24/2012 7:17:41 PM PDT by jaz.357 ( *Luke 6:43-45* Twas Ever Thus!)
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To: lasereye

Preach it, Bishop! God bless you.

25 posted on 09/24/2012 7:43:22 PM PDT by Bigg Red (Pray for our republic.)
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To: lasereye

Actual Christians left the Democrat Party long ago.

28 posted on 09/24/2012 8:15:38 PM PDT by sport
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To: lasereye
"We believe that the Democrat Party has shown itself to be anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-family, anti-life and anti-God, and it's time for Christians to come out," Jackson explains

HOORAY Bishop E.W. Jackson!

Anti-truth, anti-freedom, anti-individual, anti-life Democrat Crime Syndicate BUMP!

29 posted on 09/25/2012 12:21:48 AM PDT by PGalt
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