2nd grade mobs, that’s funny.
I have a grandson in the 2nd grade, he buys two lunches, because he said they are so small, he is starving by the time school gets out.
My 4th grade granddaughter, wont eat the lunches, she says they are are horrible. The kids buy snacks so she just get stuff like apples and yogurt.
Oh, at their school they are not allowed to bring lunches from home (eye roll) because heaven forbid someone might bring something that someone is allergic to.
it’s not the amount of food these kids eat, Hell I used to eat thousands of calories a day but I was always playing sport.
Maybe if the schools let the kdis play ddge ball, sports at lunch time again then the kids might lose the weight instead of eating salad and then sitting there starving..
Also big ass wants other kids to eat crap but she and her family like jug ears was eating pork this weekend.
AND what about those white house dinners they have, hardly healthy