Terrorist was released from GITMO in late 2007...was supposed to be held in Libyan prison and was not. Was instead released and funded.
Great, now they'll say, "Bush's Fault."
Every time we think this story could not possibly get any worse, it does. Are there hostages yet?
Gosh. Please go into damage-control mode, Jim-ak Hussein Cart-bama. We are so concerned about your reelection bid. Maybe if you shut yourself up in the White House and obsess about it day and night./sarc
Bush's watch, how convenient. I guess we should have seen this coming. IT'S BUSH'S FAULT!!!
These releases happened due to a squawking Dem Congress, right? Why do we believe ANYTHING the Dems or the Muslims say?
On the other hand, this really is Bush’s fault, since it happened in 2007. BHO was opposed to shutting down Gitmo and said so many times./s
Bad for Bush, worse for 0bama. He went into Libya without Congressional approval so Stevens’ blood is on HIS hands and HIS hands only. No one talks about that.
“released and funded”
...by a deeply depraved and evil administration.
If released in 2007 tthey will blame bush
Looks like it’s the same guy who helped Obama overthrow Gadhafi:
“Gitmo alumnus, two other Islamists at head of Libyas rebellion?”
Now we know why the press is psychotic.
Obama just “transferred” 3000 detainees in Afghanistan - most or many of them no doubt involved in attacks on our troops - to the Afghanis. Any bets on how soon they’ll be back on the battlefield?