HELLO, AGW/IPCC CO2 socialist democratic scam report.
It seems to have been a mistake for the author to have omitted the names of the guilty parties.
A good way to stop this leftist garbage would be to expose the wrongdoers so that maybe they could be shunned by decent people, even to the extent of being blacklisted from getting jobs and getting articles published. Turnabout being fair play and all that...
Of course, in this upside-down world, it would just be a career-enhancer for the guilty ones, because the left has infiltrated so many of the nation’s institutions that I have no doubt that the perps would be sought out and rewarded for their intolerance .
LOL, well since the entire point of the query was a particular article, that's pretty much that.
Sometimes I think we need to create our own world.
These liberal elites have kept all the prejudice and narrow mindedness of the 1950's. They've just changed the choice of victim. Once the victim was women - then blacks, then the middle class and now conservatives. Haters never get it. It would be as if Germany started putting the French in concentration camps and overs because they had 'learned' not to hate Jews...
Harvard doesn't 'get it' either.