What a surprise. PBS hired and made famous a radical secularist. He also thinks that people who "deny" Global Warming are anti-science too. He'd make a great spokesman for Stalin's Ministry of Science, just like pretty much everyone else who works for PBS.
“Evolution” is a “carefully” protected State Religon.
Bill Nye
Wants me to die
Bill Nye is not a scientist.
No worries. Evolution-deniers, global warming-deniers, Obama policy-deniers, TSA-complainers, etc. will soon find a happy home in a local Homeland Security re-education camp.
“God is dead.”
- Bill Nye
“Bill Nye is dead.”
- God
My church teaches creation, but it doesn’t deny evolution.
Nye is pretending there is a fundamental incompatibility, when there isn’t.
Still I’d like to get him to acknowledge that the hear to “evolution” is natural selection, and that essentially means “survival of the fittest.
Then we’d learn that “fittest” is defined as “that which most readily survives.
Thus, evolution is a tautology, meaning it says essentially nothing (it’s conclusion merely restates its premise).
Has Mr. Nye defined the term “evolution” as he claims we deny it?
Oh, so we should do what they do in other nations... Execute women and gays? So we're no longer unique?
I know very few evolution “deniers,” but I know a lot of folks unsatisfied with Darwin’s theory that the process is governed entirely by randomness.
The theory commonly known as “intelligent design” is actually a fairly profound and scientifically rigorous approach to answering the question, “Is evolution entirely random, and if not what is governing it.” Intelligent disign theorists welcome this debate, but, true to form, the left runs from intellectual debate and hides behind name calling and invective. Bill Nye’s defense of Darwinian theory by attacking others has more in common with religious devotion than does the theory of intelligent design.
It's actually the other way around. The false assumptions that have stemmed from the theory of evolution have held back science.
One example was thinking various human organs were vestigal when now we know that they all have function. Had they not made that false assumption based on evolution, they might have discovered the functions earlier and improved medical care as a result.
Another was the infamous "junk dna". We now know that junk dna has various functions including second and third higher level cell programming functions.
How can I deny it?
Its still just an unproven theory, right?
Really? Saudi Arabia believes in evolution? Nigeria and Congo believe in evolution? Most countries in the world still believe in witchcraft.
Nye has always been a piss poor science teacher who thinks he is wonderful. He was and is a persona that was created.
Too bad a REAL scientist, ala an moon walk astronaut, is not available to talk about real science (physics etc.)
Nye is exhibit A as a failure of science education. (without even touching the creationist theology stuff)
Meh...Nye is just angry because he has no idea how life began.
“Odd” how scientists proclaim to know exactly how life began but are unwilling to on record in the case of a pregnancy to identify WHEN life begins. MILLIONS of observable pregnancies and there is no conclusion.
Well, of course there is the goal of keeping abortion on demand a legal option.
Like forcing a Catholic university to provide "free" birth control? Like instructing kindergartners in the concepts of same sex "life-partners"?
Or in other words, "Don't fill you kids' heads with that superstitious god crap".
If he isn't going to be pressed on the "G" question, then why cover the "rest" of the controversy?
If God did not create the universe, is Bill suggesting that God was "surprised" by the Big Bang? God(s?) "sprang forth" from the Big Bang? Or God doesn't exist?
Or is he willing to consider that "evolution" was of God's creation?
He stumps that "only America" persists in such beliefs. Really? No other nationality or religions have faith in God as creator?
Not until this bunch discovers that 'hot steamy pot of primordial slime' can evolution be taken seriously.
So long as public education is by law required to teach this fairy tale to our young, this nation will never end abortion as the scientific methodology for birth control.