By this time next week, Romney better be on fire or he is very likely going to lose. I think we tend to forget just how suicidal the American people really are.
We now have the most ignorant electorate in the history of American elections. I believe we have the most corrupt government and media our country has ever seen. Romney has got to quit playing nice guy and quit pissing off the real conservitives.
Obama has gotta go.....
By this time next week, Romney better be on fire or he is very likely going to lose. I think we tend to forget just how suicidal the American people really are.
We now have the most ignorant electorate in the history of American elections. I believe we have the most corrupt government and media our country has ever seen. Romney has got to quit playing nice guy and quit pissing off the real conservitives.
Obama has gotta go.....
Of course, it is not the popular vote that will decide the election. But it would be most unlikely that one candidate would win the popular vote by several percentage points, and yet lose the electoral vote...
sorry Scott, but I don’t buy this one....there is no reason form Bambi to be ahead, and I just don’t buy it...
sorry Scott, but I don’t buy this one....there is no reason for Bambi to be ahead, and I just don’t buy it...
Two words: Todd Akin.
we still have a ways to go before election day but do read my tagline.
Given the economy this should be an easy win for the GOP. In fact it should be a sweep.
Personally, I can't see Mittens winning.
I don’t think this is Todd Akin...he will only have a local impact.
That said, this is concerning at the same time we have seen other polling that looks beter for us now so I don’t know what to think.
Also, several polls have shown NC either with Obama ahead or at least tied.
We seem to be picking only polls to post on here that have us ahead, with the exception of Ras ones.
I am a bit concerned...but I think the convention will do a lot of good to help people see Romney as being concerned with their needs etc. That’s a big part of the problem, people’s perceptions of him.