Posted on 08/25/2012 8:06:08 AM PDT by Jonah Vark
(Reuters) Missouri conservatives say they are rallying around U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin despite his controversial comments about rape because they are outraged that establishment Republican Party leaders tried to railroad him out of the race.
A backlash has set in here in Akins suburban St. Louis congressional district, where supporters said the national party had no right to attempt to force out a duly-elected candidate.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Not true. What it indicates is how morally debased his constituency is. Just because people don't like what is said does not make what is said wrong.
Was in imprudent to speak over his constituent's heads? Well if the state run polling outlets are correct I'd have to say yes but I think the drop in the polls has more to do with the DOJ's lawsuit against Gallop and the threat to all other polling outlets than the actual numbers. Look at what the polls and press said about Chick-fil-a when it's president took a stand for traditional marriage. Was he "wrong"? Not according to the millions of Americans that turned up at Chick-fil-a's around the nation. The polls be damned.
Akin is a good, honorable, Conservative Christian man with a long record of promoting the Conservative agenda.
Those of you pushing him under the bus because of this leftist distraction should be ashamed of yourself. I've said it before and I will say it again. His comment has nothing to do with what obama has and is doing to our country.
You can't release gas in bed without someone dropping that news on twitter ~ someone you don't even know, never heard of, never imagined ~ twitter aficionados are always looking for some new outrageous thing.
I gather Akin still hasn't figured it out
YET.... in your entire lifetime, you can only cite ONE INSTANCE you actually experienced.
Im mad as hell at Akin and those ridiculous doctors who claim that pregnancy from rape is rare, implying that those who DID get pregnant had a high chance of actually WANTING it!!
The 'IMPLICATION' is only in your own mind. He never said women who get pregnant from rape WANT to be RAPED or have a baby as the result of RAPE.
He was only trying to limit the conversation to LEGITIMATE RAPE, so as to exclude false claims of rape.
The REAL IMPLICATION is that women would LIE about RAPE to get a free abortion, and hide the fact that it was consensual and unprotected (LACK OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY) sex. AND THAT is what is causing the public outrage.
Let me ask you this. What was the ORIGINAL QUESTION that the HOST asked of Akin that produced this response?
I would bet, that without looking it up, you have no clue.
See "party hack" a few comments above this one.
Wouldn’t you love to smear their faces in the fact that they can’t even win using the candidate that they chose for us?
Doesn’t it make you lol just thinking about that?
I see it as sort of like Red Rover. They chose the weakest link to try to run through. But the only way they win EVEN THAT LINK is if we let go.
If we refuse to let go even on the weakest link, they will be dirtying their pants.
The whole argument centers around ABORTION. That is what the HOST was asking Akin about. That is what his response was about. No need for ABORTION if you are not pregnant. IMHO, very few women who have consensual, unprotected sex claim RAPE unless they get pregnant. What would be the point ? I think you argued yourself into a paper bag and can't find your way out.
Problem is, there is often corroborating evidence that points to a sexual assault in these instances.
Well darn. You got me there. In cases of rape with no pregnancy, it is true that corroborating evidence, such as semen in the womb or damage to the vagina does point to an actual sexual assault. Why is it that these cases you speak of don't produce a pregnancy? According to the 'public opinion' observed on this thread, all rapes resort in pregnancy. THAT IS the IMPLICATION, is it not ? THAT IS what you and others claim AKIN was wrong about.
This is more than "a little turbulence." This "topical storm" is developing into Hurricane Todd.
Last Sunday I was driving back to St. Louis from vacation in Wisconsin. I checked the news and saw that Akin had said what he said on the interview. I instantly thought to myself, "Uh oh! I've seen this movie before. I know exactly what the Democrats will do with this." I followed the story on Monday, hoping against hope that this story would blow over. No such luck. This is exactly what McCaskill and the Democrats were hoping for. The golden soundbite. Their ammo for the "War on Women" diversion. The Republican Party is now "The Party of Akin," and that is what America will hear at their convention.
Could it be that those you think are better know that, in the Republican Party, it is suicide to run for office should one want to make a stand for life, the US Constitution, God and Country?
Akin is not being persecuted because he took "a stand for life, the US Constitution, God and Country." This is about Akin is taking a stand for stupid. To imagine that this is some "GOP-e" conspiracy is paranoid thinking.
Seems his communication skills were good enough for the six years he served in the House but now... He says one thing that rubs you the wrong way and walla.... You abandon him?
Akin has been in the House for twelve years. He has not needed communication skills up to now. This is a safe district. He has had easy races with only token opposition. I have voted for him since I moved into this district five years ago. I had not heard him speak much; I was going on his voting record.
I had heard rumors Akin was a poor speaker, that he was not the sharpest bulb in the light fixture. But I figured even an average politician would know how to make it through this campaign and stay on message and not come off too badly. Little did I know. . . .
So if Akin withdraws and is replaced by September 25, I think we'll be better off. If stays in through September 25 and is the only choice, then I'll get behind him.
He brought this on himself, and he's hurting not only himself but others across the nation.
So... is it your professional medical opinion that miscarriages do not occur either ?
Good Bless commonsense Akin Republicans and go to blazes with the “establishment” GOP.
...have some Victory Gin, VictoryGal.
Only to the ones who lied about it being rape.
No, but I think at least until Labor Day (no pun intended), the last day before the Democrat Convention--there still is another week in which Akin could withdraw and minimize the damage.
I think we need to keep an eye on the polls between now and September 25. If Akin is tanking, and dragging down others with him--well, I don't know what else it will take to get through to him.
But I think we Republicans can and should have an internal, in-house discussion about Akin's viability as a candidate, like we're having here.
(so therefore you are going to put words into Akin's mouth that he didn't use?)
Akin claimed that pregnancies from I dont care what you call it, legitimate rape, real rape, forcible rape, rape rape was REALLY RARE.
I see I am correct.
Which do you think have a higher rate of producing pregnancies, Rape or consensual sex ?
Absolutely not. If you read my other posts in this thread, especially around #200 and afterwards, you should be able to figure out what is wrong with what Akin said, IMO. I shall ask you to have the goodness in the future when responding to me, to consider what *I* posted, not what some other group of people you are thinking of may have posted. Sound like a plan?
Yeah, the fact that he's held public office and has a conservative voting history had nothing whatsoever to do with people choosing him over the other two.
It was all Democrat strategery that got him the win.
Good luck with that ploy.
True. Still doesn't mean that the facts don't back it up. I've been doing research, and it would appear the facts DO back him up.
Akin said what he meant to say, he didnt know whether or not it was accurate.
But what if it is accurate?
If he misstated a point he wanted to make, it could have been more easily pointed out as in error, it would have been more easily perceived as a mistake, and most rational folks would allow for a correction.
You said "Akin said what he meant to say" , so your argument in the above paragraph is rather pointless.
Ironic mixed-metaphor error! I meant to say, "not the brightest bulb in the light fixture."
Why is it insulting?
Is it insulting for the body to produce adrenaline, and for adrenaline to have an impact on the body’s fertility?
I still remember the words of my doctor after the ultrasound. “It is extremely rare, but sometimes a baby dies...” My baby was 2 weeks overdue and died while we were monitoring to see if she could withstand induction of labor. We still don’t know why she died. Whenever somebody loses a child in this way it’s like a knife in my soul again. Some wounds just never go away. And at first, seeing other people with their happy pregnancies that ended how they were supposed to was painful for me too.
I still believe that stillbirth is rare. I believe there are medical reasons for stillbirth to happen or not happen. But discussion about any of those things is not insulting to me. It’s just basic facts. I went through a terrible time, blaming myself for my daughter’s death because I was probably diabetic and didn’t know it since I have since developed gestational diabetes late in the pregnancies (after the usual screen for diabetes) when I carry girl babies. I don’t carry that guilt any more because I had no way of knowing that at the time. The guilt was a phase I had to go through in the grieving process. I’ve been through that process and that part doesn’t HAVE TO hurt me any more.
But it can hurt again if I let it. If somebody wanted to take a politician’s words and twist them like a knife in my stomach in order to turn me against that politician, they could get me to hurt again - to believe that some smug person who’s never been through the loss of a child just thinks they’re better than me and saying that if I was a good person my baby wouldn’t have died. By saying that stillbirth is extremely rare...
People who try to twist a knife in somebody else’s stomach for political gain are scum. What Akin said might not have been smart but it was not evil. Those who are twisting his words to use it like a knife in the hopes of stirring up old pain, division, and isolation are the lowest scum on the face of the earth.
THAT is what is insulting. And it’s just like every other bully in the world: if you let them know they drew blood they will be back for more. That’s the nature of vultures.
I defy the vultures. “Hit me with your best shot, scum! You are IMPOTENT, with your poisonous words.”
Reminds me of “Lord of the Rings” - like Eowyn first leaning her cheek against Grima Wormtongue’s hand as he speaks compellingly about her pain, but then realizing he is only seducing her and walking away with the words, “Your words are poison!”
The people who are wooing your friend into hurting again, in the hopes that she will be peeled away from her support system, are the people who believe they are doing a favor by allowing fully-born babies to die in a clothes hamper or blood pan. Their words are poison. They are no friends, and they are trying to use her emotions in order to alienate her from those who truly do care about women and babies. They are Grima Wormtongue. Akin may be stupid, but he’s not Grima Wormtongue, and we need to expose Wormtongue for every cold-hard knife-twisting act they do.
Several years ago on Free Republic - a ‘sidebar’ linked FR internal poll asked “Who do you pick for President?”
15% selected Hillary Rodham Clinton
FR also still has many Ross Perot voters on it
‘Moby’ asked his many leftie fans to register on Free Republic to disrupt and divert FR threads
KOS, DU, and HuffPost did the same
When you click on a FR thread - Remember - you really do not know how you are posting to - or who is replying - or who is reading mucho propaganda
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