Actually, Catholics have become a swing vote. They no longer vote as a bloc for Democrats. The last presidential candidate to win more than 55% of the Catholic vote was Ronald Reagan in 1984, winning 56%.
You'll find that for the last few decades (since 1972) the winner of the popular vote in presidential elections nearly always secures a [small] majority of the Catholic vote.
GWBush took the majority by 5% in 2004.
Gore took a narrow majority in 2000.
Clinton received a plurality and a majority in his two elections.
Dukakis in ‘88 was the exception to the rule - he took a Catholic majority but lost anyway.
Reagan took Catholics twice.
Carter took Catholics in 1976.
Nixon took a very large majority of Catholics in 1972.
It's likely that whomever receives a majority of the Catholic vote this time around will probably win the popular vote.
And it isn't looking as good for the Kenyan anti-Christ this time around. What few polls I've seen suggest the anti-Christ losing about 10% of his Catholic support, falling from the low-to-mid 50s to the mid-40s.
Combined with losses with other demographics, it will be a much tougher election for Satan's bitch this time around.
“Nixon took a very large majority of Catholics in 1972”.
Nixon took a large majority nearly everywhere in 72.
I’m hoping you are right and the marxist punk is sent packing.
Whoops, wrong Hussein. Ah, well... perhaps someone with Photoshop talent can make the necessary adjustment.
Economic status is part of it, as is whether or not they are professional people or college educated technicians like RNs and school teachers.
If they own a business they are as likely to be Republican voters as non-Catholics.
Then there are the seriously devout and they will vote Republican on the RTL question ~ right along with their Evangelical cousins.
What's happening is the popularity of the candidates. That drives turnout for the various Catholic factions.
I Suspect this time the latino business owners who thought they heard something about tax relief and reduced medical insurance costs will not vote for Obama. Will they vote for the Republican? That remains to be seen, but I"m pretty sure that class' turnout has been suppressed!
I want to see O get 0 electoral votes and to push his “catholic” support down to 20% or less. It’s personal!
you and me too -- the pope has said that those who don't believe should leave. I second that. A smaller, but more believing Church is better