My conservatism is primarily in regards to fiscal issues and defense. I;m more of a libertarian on social issues.
I would think anyone with a brain would see that this election was about jobs and the economy.
Not abortion. Now abortion’s out there front and cent5er. Of course the socons love this because it makes them feel relevant again.
They need to be team players and learn how to take one for the team.
You can make the election "about" whatever you want it to be about in your own mind but that doesn't make it true. You're revealing your bias. You're not upset with Akin because of a gaffe, but because he is bringing up the topic of abortion.
Our politicians aren't doing enough to end abortion. Every election should be at least in part about making the case for the pro-life and pro-marriage causes. They're also winning issues according to the polls. You need to understand that and take one for the team.