and the Republicans continue to act like Democrats...
"This request is a result of the comments made by the Congressman regarding sexual assault and the distraction that the current situation surrounding the Congressman would cause. As a committee, we follow the lead of Senator Roy Blunt, former Senators Danforth, Bond, and Ashcroft in calling for Congressman Akin to step aside for the good of the very ideals that he is attempting to champion."
Lost his home boys, this can't last much longer. Next he'll be locked out of his house.
The man misspoke. Why is he being crucified? Obama’s gaffs are overlooked and excused. Clinging to their Bibles and guns? Corpsemen?
They need to just quit. this was about a poor choice of words and now its growing into an all out issue about abortion. Since the Dems have nothing to show but debt and and no jobs they will keep trying to make this a prime issue and we need it to stay on jobs and economy
unlike Akin the Gipper understood how ladies’ plumbing worked