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To: nickcarraway

Proud to be Sodomites????? How mentally ill are these people who try to normalize such debasing behavior—for the “children” so they see this activity being rewarded and praised in culture-—which will form their worldview of Right and Wrong. We do not want to *return* to a homosexual culture like Ancient Greece where women are treated like breeders and boys/men are used for comaraderie and recreation. Women were segregated, they had child sacrifice (whoops, that’s allowed today)-—much like in homosexual Afghanistan where boys are put in harems.

Slavery is rampant in these sexist societies-—as unequal rights and debasement of children always occurs. It will destroy Christian Ethics-—the Ethics all Founders thought were essential to teach in public schools to retain freedom and promote Virtue-—the essential element of a Republic. The Holy Bible was the main book used in education in our Republic for hundreds of years-—not the Koran or the Analects.

To equate “sodomy” to “love” is mental illness and promoting evil. To force “equality” for VICE in a country based on Virtue-—Justice-—is irrational and evil. Laws have to be Right Reason to be Constitutional.

So, any irrational person that thinks that sodomy HAS to be promoted with Just Law-—is stupid and irrational The last time I read the Constitution, we get our Rights from God-—not Satan and barney frank.

22 posted on 08/22/2012 1:26:27 PM PDT by savagesusie (Right Reason According to Nature = Just Law)
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To: savagesusie
We do not want to *return* to a homosexual culture like Ancient Greece where women are treated like breeders and boys/men are used for comaraderie and recreation.

It's what Karl Marx advocated.
Yes. It's exactly what the left wants.

Where are the women today? Laboring.
Where are the men? Unemployed.
Where are the little boys? In fisting class.

25 posted on 08/22/2012 1:33:47 PM PDT by concerned about politics ("Get thee behind me, Liberal")
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