I was talking about forcible rape, and it was absolutely the wrong word, Akin said, in reference to his use of the word legitimate to modify rape.
The very NATURE of rape is FORCE..and yet again he qualifies it with "forcible"...I don't get it. I don't understand what he is thinking. If he's trying to distinguish between date rape or that women who aren't ACTUALLY raped but say they were to get an abortion- he's going waaaay too deep into the weeds for a campaign like this. Regardless- he's done a good bit of harm.
It’s not clear what he’s thinking. I assumed he meant women who claimed to be raped to get an abortion, but really weren’t. But do women do that anymore? He should get a little more education on the subject...AND....stop talking about it.
Forcible rape & statutory rape are two different charges.