Your USA Ptooey poll doesn’t show the breakdown of Democrats, Republicans and Independents that were polls (how many, not just percentages of each type of respondent to the questions).
54% is the “total” figure saying “yes he should” 30% are Independent. 53% are Republican. A whopping 75% are Democrat. Since 54% > 53% and >> 30%, they oversampled Democrats. But they don’t say by HOW MUCH. Now, why it comes to being “honest” what does USA Today/Gallup have to hide?
It’s not in their PDF breakdown. The margin of error in their poll is 5%. It’s been pushed to generate the result they sought.
It doesn’t matter to me whether he releases them or not. I’ll still vote for him but only because I hate Obama. At this point I have a hard time believing there are really many undecideds anyway.