'Or' is similar to 'oar', and 'oars' are what slaves needed to work on galley ships.
“The problem is that ‘or’ might be a racial code word.
‘Or’ is similar to ‘oar’, and ‘oars’ are what slaves needed to work on galley ships. Slaves. See?”
So, that’s why the Democrat District Attorney used “or” to try to remove me as judge. Eureka, that’s what it was.
Well, it didn’t work and he had to run for re-election at the next election, and he LOST, and blamed me for his loss. Me - “just a grandmother trying to help her county.” That is one sentence I put in the newspaper when he was attacking me, and that county is mostly retired people and they didn’t take kindly to someone in power attacking a grandmother. He learned to leave me the hell alone.
He was an attorney but he didn’t know election law and I did. After he lost that election, he had to leave the county to find a job. He took his “or” and left.