He’s not going to defy the Republicans on social issues. He would pay too much of a political cost. It’s just not going to happen. And as I just said, he’s going to be bringing a whole bunch of people with him, many of whom will be actively working for our side on critical issues like abortion and guns, which we claim to be interested in. We just need to get them in there so they can do their thing. It would be a huge mistake to sabotoge them, to keep Obama’s people there, just because we’re miffed that our guys got beat in the primaries.
How many times do I have to post that I will not vote for a gun grabbing, abortionist, homosexualist, big government statist?
my sil is gay, supported her during the 80’s when friends were anti-gay. One friend saying that if he had known my sil was gay, he wouldn't have attended my party. To me, anyone that is anti-family is no longer involved,. On the other hand, when anti-Conservatism is met, the gay lobby will celebrate! Wake up, do you really think that the Powers that be behind Romney are supporting your views?
What does a gop candidate have to do to make you not support him?
Hes not going to defy the Republicans on social issues. He would pay too much of a political cost
In other games it’s callled a tell. We pretty much know where Romneey stands. After he refused to comment on the Chik-Fil-A turnout, he pretty much solidified his base. They are called squishy republicans, will democrats still like me?
What would the gop have to do make you NOT vote for them?
I think you’re full of bull. :^)