For those who think those numbers are an anomaly, take a look at Pews 2011 polling that found that among 18-29 year olds, 46 percent supported Ryans proposed Medicare changes with only 28 percent opposing (the rest had no opinion). Among 30-49 year olds it was 38 percent approving and 36 percent opposed. The strongest opposition to Ryans plan comes from those over 65, who ironically wont even be affected by his plan since it would only apply to those 55 and under. Pew found that age, not party identification was the biggest predictor of how a person would feel about his plan."
We all know there are naysayers on Facebook, but frankly conservatives have a monstrous opportunity over the next few months to sell big reforms on Medicare and Medicaid, and indirectly Social Security. We can turn the massive ship of state in a big way if we can convince voters...especially younger and older voters...that we must move away from central government command and control services and move things back in control of the individual and (for Medicaid) the states. Ryan’s plans are a realistic plan. The public does not hate Medicare, if fact, they like it, we have to reshape it it make it work, reduce the future impact busting our budget and economy, and put control back in the individual. This is a fight worth 100% of our effort, and it will change our politics to know big reform ideas can win the day.
She makes some excellent points - too bad her whiny generalizations about demographic groups other than her's kinda makes her sound like an ignorant bigot.
I’m just back from NYC where my brother who was visiting has been in the ICU for a month (prayers please). I thought that whole side of the family was super liberal but I ate dinner with my 38 year old nephew and he is over the moon excited about the Ryan pick. My nephew is also a policy wonk, works out a lot, and extremely intelligent.
Jimmy swaggart always preached about things getting like this—back in the old days; no wonder he cried a lot....then he turned to amateur photography, and drifted off into obscurity....
semper watching!
My 18 year old switched from favoring the Libertarian ticket to Romney/Ryan because he sees Paul Ryan as a guy who is genuinely trying to solve problems.
When your young one first enters the workforce and looks at their paycheck and sees 'medicare' deduction and FICA (yes I know its not called that anymore) just tell them "Thats the part of your paycheck that the democrats voted to give themselves decades ago!"
I find arguments based on these generational definitions less than compelling. I suspect the people pushing these generational definitions are the same ones that fixated on high school cliques back when they were teenagers - they just never grew out of it.
I’m stoked that Ryan is the first of my generation to be running for the White House. I can say that many in my age bracket are fed up with the federal spending and entitlements. I don’t know of anyone my age who actually expects Social Security to be there when we retire. I see alot more Gen X’ers taking control of their own retirement and finances. We don’t want to be on the hook for massive government handouts. As a whole, I think the Gen X has matured into this way of thinking where the Gen Y folks are still playing video games and looking for what someone can do for them.
I cracked up at her “logic” the other day on Special Report. Her argument about Ryan’s plan was “those under 55 will be old one day and will be affected.” Somewhere between being told those people would have a choice before they got old and what they were facing right now went right above her head. It amazes me how the left can rationalize anything they don’t agree with.