If you want the same that you got now, vote for (Barack) Obama or vote for (Mitt) Romney. — That’s the money shot.
A third party needs some roots in the legislature first. The TEA party is moving in that direction. For right now one needs a D or R next to the name on the ballot
Six of one, half-a-dozen of the other.
I debated Mr. Goode three times in the past week.
Even though he admits them to be unconstitutional, he vociferously supports the centerpiece programs of the New Deal and the Great Society.
Bottom line, he’s still a New Deal Democrat.
And he thinks he can balance the budget on the back of defense.
A vote for Mr. Goode is the same as voting for Obama...no vote is the same as a vote for Obama.
All you Obama supporters here should be proud of your principled stance! I am sure that you will be hiding your opinions about conservatism once Obama is unfettered with a second term...just like the courage you show now that you KNOW will help Obama get four more years to seal the destruction of America.
If you want to help Barack Obama finish off America just send him your donation directly - why bother with a middle man?
Only an idiot or someone who just enjoys being outraged and is not really interested in making a difference would not understand that the best bet is to get a conservative in power within the Republican party and it does happen as anyone can see today with the Tea Party successes against establishment Republicans and in the past with the Young Republicans successes against establishment Republicans.