His 82 year old body is probably closer to 60-something. Heart stuff happens. My FIL worked with his hands for his entire 80+ years and, even with a good diet, had a heart attack and needed bypass surgery.
OTOH the doctors said if he wasn’t in such great shape they wouldn’t even have tried.
The old guy (who I really love) is back, kicking and back to work — he started back about 2 weeks after the operation.
Guys like Neil Armstrong and my FIL are tough as nails.
Bless them.
That’s one small stent for a man...
Godspeed Mr Armstrong.
We need to land on other planets again. The moon and Mars.
The costs are high, but they aren’t that big in the scheme of things. Get well Mr Armstrong, you will go down in history as important as more important than Columbus.
Live long, and enjoy Obama getting voted out of office.
...Giant Leap toward Full Recovery.
There was a great thread on FR in 2009 during the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing. it just astonishes me when I try my best to imagine making that first landing — no one but two Astronauts in the LM, no chance of rescue if anything goes wrong, first attempt at landing on an alien surface. The stress and the professionalism required to handle it. Just gives me the shivers. What balls.
Get Well soon! It isn’t yet time to see “Mr. Gorsky” again.
He’s still one of our greatest an American heroes at a time when the criteria for making ‘hero’ status has been dumbed down to the point of mediocrity at best. However, there are still some bona fide heroes out there which is a good thing. Perhaps it is those people whose heroes are people like Neil Armstrong.
All the best Mr. Armstrong. Remember fondly sitting in front of the old black and white with my Dad watching you make history all those years ago.
On our present course, we will one day hear that the last man to walk on the moon has died of old age.
I like the Clarke/Kubrick wision better.
Praying for Neil’s recovery.
You’re in our prayers Mr. Armstrong. Get well soon.
After the game, Garry Moore turned to Mrs. Armstrong and asked, "how would you feel if it turned out that your son Neil becomes the first man to walk on the moon?" It was one of those dropped jaw moments.
Mr. Armstrong was incredibly brave to achieve what he did. I hope he has a full recovery.
He doesnb't have to reach quite so far for some of us...
All the best to him. From what I can recall over the years, Armstrong always seemed to conduct himself in a very dignified manner. Humbly, really. I dare say that we could use many more Americans like him. And there are - in our military and elsewhere. The left hasn’t corrupted everyone yet!
He is STILL a Hero of mine.
Its a hoax. There is no such thing as heart surgery. Next you will tell me man was landed on the moon!
Its a hoax. There is no such thing as heart surgery. Next you will tell me man has landed on the moon!