Its sad that the country has come to this but the fact is that in the last few years and especially the last 3 years those who engage in fecal sex have now pushed their agenda into our faces and we can either back down or stand up like those who have stood up before us.
Yes it is sad but I believe people are choosing to stand up i.e. CFA. I am going to e-mail those leftist contributors to my address book. If we continue to support those businesses who stand for traditional marriage, we might boost the economy - who knows. And look into Amway (it’s sort of expensive though)
I just wish those on our side wiht a public vouce woudl speak up about what the radical left is doing.
Most of talk radio never talk about the homosexual agenda, gun rights etc.
When don’t ask was to be overturned which BTW gave them their own private business hannity put the phone down on a vet and wouldn’t let other vets like me to talk about don’t ask.
The GOP, Romney, talking heads are way out of touch of the average guy or gal and being cowardly nly helps the radcial left and the homostapo push their agenda more.