I guess they don’t care that Alvin Onaka, according to the laws of the State of Hawaii, could not confirm even that Barack Obama was born a male, that he was born on Aug 4, 1961, that he was born in Honolulu, that his mother was Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, or that his father was Barack Hussein Obama. The only legal reason for him to not verify those things upon request by a qualified requester.... is if he CAN’T verify it because it is not legally-established fact.
I guess the people that I respect from Texas aren’t so much associated with the GOP-e. They’re more interested in the rule of law.
Unlike you, who totally ignored the legal fact that was brought to your attention. Nice dodge, but I’m tired of the establishment dodging the rule of law.
Butter..you are right in so much as ..No...they do not care. I know I am not telling you anything you do not already know. You read and listen to the news as much as I do. I know alot of Republicans as friends. Not one is a birther and all want this dropped before the election. Butter, it does not bother me that you disagree with me. As I said, I truly admiire the fact that you have the courage of your convictions. We simply disagree. I hope that does not bother you. We can disagree and still respect each other’s opinions. And Texans? We come in all kinds of stripes and polka dots. No mob rule here. And we like it that way. We are just a mish mash of opinions and love to debate then we go vote for whomever we want and go to the Riverwalk after together. Have a good evening, Butter.