Posted on 07/27/2012 6:59:55 PM PDT by Nachum
This is a fantastic interview and the longer it goes the more interesting it gets. In fact it was so interesting that Levin had him on for the following segment which hadnt been planned. But the short of it is that Kengor connects a few dots between the card carrying Communist Frank Marshall Davis who mentored Obama and other Communists in Chicago who mentored David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett.
Below is the full interview:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
> But tell me why not one (1) National Conservative Radio
> Talk Show Host will mention that the President has placed
> an out-and-out Forgery on the WH website? Who cares
> what’s on it? It’s a frickin’ FORGERY! Why?
Yes I too find conservative talk show hosts avoiding the
forgeries, the multiple social security numbers that
Obama has had and other blatantly obvious eligibility
issues. It is apparent that that the networks are worried
about losing advertisers. The advertisers have also been
brainwashed by the mobsters. It’s very much an Obama cult
now and it’s all around us, poisoning the media, the
armed forces, our schools, hospitals... you name it.
> That’s is one whole hell of a lot easier to explain to
> the tattooed fatties in the Wal-Mart parking lot than
> “Communism.” I mean it’s like making a copy of a fake car
> or boat title, or a fake Driver’s License. I think people
> can actually get that ... if someone national would
> mention it.
You may not believe this but I have met people from many
walks of life who believe that Obama must remain the
president at all costs — forgeries and other crookery
included. These people actually applaud the hook and
crook tactics (they consider them to be accomplishments)
of the Obama campaign as if they’re watching a movie and
rooting for the bad guy.
Funny to me how Levin cares about this but not the birth certificate? Funny man......
> At this point in America’s history, we might have reached a
> point of no return....
I agree. I think that conservatives have to consider that point of no return instead as a tipping point with which to motivate others to vote in record numbers against Obama. The water has reached the top of the dam and now it must flow.
Most people have no idea who Bill Ayers is... the MSM keeps the lid on things that make Obama look bad.
Yes that’s true. We’re just gonna have to stop depending on the MSM (of today) to the conservatives’ work. Question: how can conservatives become the MSM of tomorrow?
If anyone has been paying attention to Beck all these past years and watched him work his funny chalk boards, you would have gotten 99% of what Mark is now finding astonishing. Problem is that Levin doesn’t care for Beck and most people wrote him off as a kook. Now he fills Cowboy stadium with people that aren’t shocked about any of these connections of WH Staff people. Folks they are all Communists! Jarrett, Axelrod, Geithner, Obama and lets not forget Rahm, and Ayers. All of them are interconnected by their parents and friends. Think about it, Obama was raised by COMMUNISTS in the 60’s. What is so amazing is that there are folks now who know, and it still has to be discussed in hushed tones.
Commie Ping!!!
Michael Savage has been forthright in covering the birther controversy. For example, he has had Orly Taitz on the show. In the right monent, he will rail against "The Kenyan." He's not realy my style, but is often on the radio when I am driving home after working out.
Also, Hannity has had Trump on recently. He was relatively receptive to Trump's birther arguments, though he didn't make them a highlight of the interview.
A goddam pity Kengor cant connect Levin to Sheriff Joe.
Your comment bears repeating. Imagine if Mark Levin hadn’t hid under his bed four years ago, we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion.
So true.....he is just now figuring this out? Oh that’s rich. We “Birthers” whom Levin despises, have known about this for 4 years and he still will not admit that Obammy is not a legal prez!
Yeah....I am real impressed Mr. Levin....Pftt...
Absolutely correct and well said. Thank you.
IMO, anyone who attacks Levin here is guilty of eating one’s own. The man is irreplaceable. Levin KNOWS that the Punk is a fraud, I’m sure, but he thinks it wise to de-emphasize the issue. I disagree, but I too don’t want anything to distract people’s minds from the utter Marxist failures of the past 3 1/2 years. Bob
I totally agree with you. I listen to him daily and play his downloads of daily programs if I miss a broadcast..
Levin is simply smashing at nailing the issues and the callers who are lefties. I believe that Levin knows that there are major, major issues that need to be brought to the public’s attention..the commies are working fast and furious at booby-trapping We the People with assorted attacks, and Levin is concentrating on these very important issues. We can't do anything about the birth certificate issue at this point..oboma will only be eliminated by the mega vote of We the People in November. And if others like Michael Savage, etc., are talking and writing about the birth certificate issue, it is not being ignored
There are many, many issues that need the immediate coverage by someone like Mark Levin....he is doing a damn good job each and every night on his program. Each of the conservative talk show hosts have something to contribute to informing the public..and the birth certificate issue has been aired and written about, and we are aware of the issue.
We do have bigger fish to fry at this very moment.
it really is interesting to me to contemplate what history will say about 0bama, the press, and our great republic.
how many yrs will it take to begin having the horrific truth come out about this evil regime?
Levin has not ever admitted that Constitutional Legitimacy is an issue.
One can certainly fry more than one fish at a time.
The simple fact established by Joe Arpaio is that Obama has placed a forged document on the public record. Arpaio's allegations, and his evidence for them, are at the very least a legitimate news story. For someone with a public forum, even a commercial public forum, to ignore that simple, yet devastating evidence, is utterly incomprehensible.
These are the people who would have ignored Whittaker Chambers ... and did. For a moment, I thought Levin, Limbaugh, et al. were more than entertainers. They are not. It is probably wrong for me to criticize them ... they are quite brilliant in their work ... which is not political philosophy.
I listen to him daily
Levin has convinced you that he believes as you do. Since he probably does, that is fine. That is a tribute to the skilled marketers who have found you in a corner of "Conservative Talk Radio's" target audience "niche." Preaching to the choir can fill the collection plate.
I think pointing out that Obama has placed a rather obvious forgery on the public record is a good idea. If you agree that covering Sheriff Joe's story is a good idea, tell your talk radio idol to mention it, perhaps just in passing. If not, go in peace and happy listening.
For example, it's just wonderful to interview Kengor, who connects the dots between Obama, his advisors and confidants, the Communist Party, Marxist Ideology, and Franklin Marshall Davis. I'll read his book, but seriously who the hell did not already know this? Those who have the same faith in Obama that those who listen to "Conservative Talk Radio" have in their idols, will (a) not read it and (b) even if they were to read it, would certainly not believe it, much less change their vote or party affiliation.
In the meantime, there is now solid evidence that Obama has placed a forged document on the public record. That would be a crime even if the document in question had nothing to do with Birth Certificates. Conservative Talk Radio Hosts spend hours everyday telling their faithful listeners how bad Obama is. Why then ignore this? Savage interviews Orly Taitz ... Taitz, when Joe Arpaio is a phone call away?
Conservative Talk Radio? Boolshiite. It is the over-40 white man's answer to soap opera. Telenovelas. As the World Turns. Gossip. It has proven of little value in even turning out its devoted listeners to vote. In fact, in turning Obama into some sort of a wayward celebrity, rather than a criminal intent on destroying the American system to rebuild it as a collective, the effect might be the opposite of that desired by the devoted listeners.
Sprinkle some depression on my morning coffee, why don't you?
Maybe not entirely true, but there's a lot to what you say.
Barack is a terrible fellow, marxist actually. And his wife has a really big butt. Rush will fill in the rest on Monday.
Right now, I am fixing myself some Glenn Beck Survival Food, making sure my Carbonite is working, counting my gold bars, going back to my Sleep Numba Bed, while awaiting a call from, and making sure no one has stolen my identity. 'cause baby, that's what Conservative Talk Radio is really all about....selling cool stuff to the soon-to-be-Geezers-of-America.
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