The real reason that diogenesis and others on this website attack Romney is because he is a mormon. they would rather have a president who claims to be Christian but celebrates Ramadan and in his book said he would side with the muslims, than to elect a patriotic American who loves this country but happens to be a mormon.
Heaven save America from 4 more years of BarackO>
IWONDR, you are a despicable LIAR.
I could not care WHAT religion Mr. RomneyCARE is, or observes.
NOTE THAT ONLY YOU, again, mentions any religion at all.
The problem is Mr.RomneyCARE is on HIS KNEES to STATISM,
governmental control in medicine, TARP, Sharia,
global warming, the UN, gun control,
the 911 Victory mosque, and his insane notion that
Hezbollah should get RomneyCARE.
Mr. RomneyCARE’s BELIEF (supported by YOU?) that HE
is more important than Constitutions (he already
overruled one) and the Truth (they don’t call him
Etch-a-Sketch for nothing) is the real issue.
You of course, will discuss NONE of the above,
and in its stead you will continue backstabbing,
lying, and throwing ad hominem,
JUST like Mr. RomneyCARE.
Are you still killing your unborn? -- GOD |
I hear you are upset by 12 dead in Colorado...
-- GOD |