So did I . Problem is , the MSM is ignoring anything positive re : Romney . Hope he takes it up a notch and continues hammering away until election day .
One of my favorite out-takes...The Presidents policies have made it harder to recover from the deepest recession in seventy years exposed the military to cuts that no one can justify compromised our national-security secrets and in dealings with other nations, given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved, and apology where it is not due.
(Confidential to Romney ad agency, use this clip in t.v. and radio political ads.)
Well, I do believe that I'll read the speech yet again!
This speech and the comments the other day regarding how backwards Obama had it in his comments about “roads and bridges” and defined it as foreign to the American Experience could not have been more correct, nor delivered any better.
Very pleasant surprises, to say the least.
Thank you so much for printing the entire speech. It makes it a lot easier to tie together the various points in his speech, and quickly review topic length.
I found it very interesting that his usual preppy/neighborhood chit-chat was absent in his speech.
Gone too were his “I understand how the economy works, so just shut up and trust me” presentation that dominated his sorry Primary speeches.
This is the first time after the Primary that Romney was actually, SERIOUSLY trying to audition for the job of The President of the United States of America.
In summary, Romney showed respect for the values of his audience, and the values of America.
It was his best speech yet.
BTW, Obama’s speeches show only arrogance, and never respect for the values of his audience or America.
This was showcased in Obama’s Inaugural Speech, which was really a Declaration of War against the values of the audience, America, and the US Constitution.
The more that Romney can show that contrast between himself and Obama the better.
In 1941, Henry Luce called on his countrymen just then realizing their strength to create the first great American century. And they succeeded: together with their allies, they won World War II, they rescued Europe, they defeated Communism, and America took its place as leader of the free world. Across the globe, they fought, they bled, they led. They showed the world the extraordinary courage of the American heart and the generosity of the American spirit.
What an ignoamous this TWO Time draft dodger is...
WWII was not about COMMUNISM...
Plus this father of same sex marriage never mentioned the homosexuals marching in the gay parade IN UNIFORM...
Anyone have a source for a video of this speech?
How did the Vets receive him? Cooly? Warmly? Enthusiastically?
I am still not feelin’ the luv, but that was a very well written speech.
Not much to disagree with in that speech. Not bad.