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To: Red Badger
It was a quick release That usually doesn't happen when you get older.
2 posted on
07/19/2012 2:52:56 PM PDT by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: Red Badger
Same thing happened to PeeWee Herman. Don’t these guys have DVD players?
To: Red Badger
Heh, heh, Willard. I bet the Dems try to pin this to Romney somehow...
4 posted on
07/19/2012 2:56:10 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
Heh, heh, Willard. I bet the Dems try to pin this to Romney somehow...
5 posted on
07/19/2012 2:56:10 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
6 posted on
07/19/2012 2:57:15 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
...Fred is "rumored" to be in pre-production for a movie entitled ... "The Yank." LOL
...the 78-year-old
Not guilty.
7 posted on
07/19/2012 2:58:12 PM PDT by
depressed in 06
(6 November, 2012, the day our embarrassment is sent back to Kenya.)
To: Red Badger
He didn’t do this by himself. Obama helped him.
9 posted on
07/19/2012 2:58:26 PM PDT by
(If you really want to annoy someone, point out something obvious that they are trying hard to ignore)
To: Red Badger
"The Yank."
It's a comedy.
To: Red Badger
DVD, DVR, or the WEB...there are lots of outlets
whats wrong with some guys? do they REALLY need the ambiance?
11 posted on
07/19/2012 2:59:18 PM PDT by
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
To: Red Badger
Hey, wasn’t he in Firmwood Tonight?
15 posted on
07/19/2012 3:05:10 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
and (Sham)-WOW...whatta bout this guy
Pay the hooker already!
17 posted on
07/19/2012 3:05:38 PM PDT by
(Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
To: Red Badger
To: Red Badger
” In fact, the theater has a sign posted in the front which warns customers that the theater is “viewed by LAPD.”
I wouldn’t be surprised.
24 posted on
07/19/2012 3:18:56 PM PDT by
(Joe Biden: "Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy.")
To: Red Badger
"When Fred Willard stays at a La Quinta, you know what he does when he goes to an adult film theater?"...
He knocks it out of the park!
25 posted on
07/19/2012 3:22:05 PM PDT by
(Democrats are dangerous and evil. Republicans are useless and useful idiots.)
To: Red Badger
He’s 78 years old! Wow! I’m more surprised he’s almost 80 than the subject of the news story.
To: Red Badger
With porn rampant on the Internet it’s amazing that these theaters still attract patrons. Willard will go the way of Peewee Herman.
28 posted on
07/19/2012 3:43:15 PM PDT by
(Stop the destruction in 2012 or continue the decline)
To: Red Badger
A BS arrest.Cops with nothing better to do than invade a porn theater and arrest a Jag off.
They should find something better to do with their time.
29 posted on
07/19/2012 3:46:18 PM PDT by
To: Red Badger
I don’t understand why this is a crime. There are no children in these places and no women (I’m guessing). Why would he be arrested and not just given a warning?
35 posted on
07/19/2012 3:57:26 PM PDT by
(Beat him, strip him and bring him to my tent!)
To: Red Badger
Dude it’s called internet porn for a reason! What shocks me is that there are porn theaters still open these days.
39 posted on
07/19/2012 4:02:02 PM PDT by
(The communist usurper must go!)
To: Red Badger
Weird. At this point, you’d expect him to be obnoxious and a jerk. But not to be masturbating in a porno theater.
43 posted on
07/19/2012 4:12:31 PM PDT by
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