The time of dream died when Roberts’ Court said ObamaCare was Constitutional. Even Roberts told us that We the electorate is the only thing to save the Republic because the Court system sure will not.
Stop dreaming and start ACTING.
Flame off!
Mitt’s support is weak.
Do you think it is helpful or honorable to lie and spin for your candidate?
Or do you think it best just to be upfront, dirty laundry and all?
I prefer just letting the truth hang out. That’s always best in the long run. (The same with Mitt and his tax returns. Just release them and deal with it. The same with Obama and his records. Just release them and deal with it.)
The truth shall set us free.
For you to side with Roberts, who has institutionalized
RomneyCARE/ObamaCARE/DeathPanels and mandates,
and Mr. RomneyCARE, the limp, meek, ALWAYS DEFENSIVE,
pro-Democrat, pro-TARP, author of RomneyCARE/ObamaCARE,
is taking the side of the MSM (who support Romney 24/7
You might want to get a cup of coffee and wake up.