(What these NAACP leaders fail to grasp is that, for most members of the black church, its neither an emotional thing nor an issue of personal preference. Its an issue of biblical authority.)
It’s all blacks who fail to grasp that the NAACP’s God is not our God, but the Democrat party.
Obama is gay first, and black second. It’s surprising how many black people didn’t figure that out long ago. They will still vote for him, figuring that they’ll get more from a gay black man than they would get from a white man.
The hip hop anti-culture and Islam will eventually turn black kids into gay blades, so why worry about a twinky like Obama? Blacks will vote the plantation ticket.
The 95% of African-Americans justifying their vote for Ubama this year will be “voting for the lesser of two evils.” You can bet on it!
Equal protection jurisprudence + the right parties + the right facts will lead to a 5-4 SCOTUS decision declaring that any state law infringement on the right of same sex couples to access legal marriage is a a violation of the equal protection clause. Boom, it's done.
I see a lot of people congratulating themselves for actions taken at the state level (state laws, state constitutional amendments) but they don't seem to understand that none of it matters if the pro gay marriage movement wins in the SCOTUS. And, as much as I hate to acknowledge it, they will win in the absence of a 28th Amendment to the Federal Constitution, prohibiting gay marriage.
Gov. Romney has mentioned in the debates that he favors such an amendment, but they take a lot of time and effort, and there may not be much time before the right case in the right posture gets to the SCOTUS. If it reaches the SCOTUS before an amendment can be passed and/or ratified, of if an amendment is never ratified and we have to live with same sex marriages in a civil/secular world, then I think the only answer is to move to a model of marriage like the Mormon church, where it is the exclusive sealing process within the church that signifies marriage, not the document handed out at the local courthouse.
If each church were to elevate the marriage process to something on that order, you retain the ability to keep marriage between one man and one woman, regardless of equal protection doctrines, because the SCOTUS will never allow the first amendment free exercise clause to be violated by some state law (CA would be first, I would guess) mandating that a church perform same sex marriages.
Like the controversy over the Boy Scouts and their rules prohibiting gay scout leaders, I think you see the solution to encroachment by the same-sex advocates in taking more functions (day care, scouting-like programs, private schools, etc., etc., etc.) within the First Amendment protected province of the church. It's the safe harbor, in the absence of a 28th amendment, it should be exploited.
Ultimately, this, too, will become part of zero's legacy of failure. And, with this schism between black churches and the NAACP, perhaps (not likely) black Americans will understand the depth of zero's duplicitous deception and betrayal of ALL black Americans. Maybe, just maybe, this will wake them up.
The irony is that the NAACP is owned lock, stock, and barrel by WHITE liberals.
Pennsylvania Ping.