This is your (deranged) opinion and you are entitled to it.
My only objection is to the fact that you tell so many psychotic lies in furtherance of your pro-Obama agenda.
If you and the other members of the FR He-Man Mitt Haters Club simply told the truth, I'd leave you all to your demented business.
Hey, I resemble that remark. You want truth? Here's some truth for you:
Mitt Romneys Dismal Record
"As U.S. real output grew 13 percent between 2002 and 2006, Massachusetts trailed at 9 percent.
* Manufacturing employment fell 7 percent nationwide those years, but sank 14 percent under Romney, placing Massachusetts 48th among the states.
* Between fall 2003 and autumn 2006, U.S. job growth averaged 5.4 percent, nearly three times Massachusetts' anemic 1.9 percent pace.
* While 8 million Americans over age 16 found work between 2002 and 2006, the number of employed Massachusetts residents actually declined by 8,500 during those years.
"Massachusetts was the only state to have failed to post any gain in its pool of employed residents," professors Sum and McLaughlin concluded.
In an April 2003 meeting with the Massachusetts congressional delegation in Washington, Romney failed to endorse President Bush's $726 billion tax-cut proposal."
[Cato Institute annual Fiscal Policy Report Card - America's Governors, 2004.]
Romney's "accomplishments".
1. Implemented/created Gay Marriage in MA
2. Supported and forced Gay Adoption in MA
3. Supported Abortion wholeheartedly
4. Raised taxes/fees over 300% while being Governor of MA
5. Implemented a state-level Cap and Trade system.
6. Supported Man-Made Global Warming
7. Supported the Brady Bill
8. Implemented a state level Assault Weapons Ban after the Federal AWB was allowed to expire.
9. Supported TARP
10. Supported Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Citizenship for those already here)
11. Supported McCain-Kennedy (Amnesty)
12. Implemented a socialized medicine in MA called RomneyCare complete with an Individual Mandate and $50 abortions.
13. Nominated 27 Democrats (out of 36 nominations) for judgeships in MA, many of them extreme left-wingers.
I just gotta ask...
WHO the F is the demented / delusional one here?
The one who is supporting a proven socialist because he will save everyone from the other socialists by providing cover to the progressives in the GOP to vote for every damn progressive judicial appointment and every last entitlement program and etching obamacare as romneycare into stone? Isnt it obvious? the only way to beat socialism is to adopt it as your own.
The folks who recognizes that electing a socialist to LEAD the only organized opposition to socialism is an equivalent to SUICIDE.
There will be no peace as long as the GOP enables socialism and socialists.