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White House Mocks Issa Fast & Furious Investigation as "Political Theater"
CBS News via Twitter ^
| Wednesday, June 20, 2012
| Mark Knoller
Posted on 06/20/2012 10:03:23 AM PDT by kristinn
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To: kristinn
If it was only political theater, a trifle, why then invoke executive privilege at all?
posted on
06/20/2012 11:42:09 AM PDT
(Tolerance at the expense of equal treatment is the path to tyranny.)
If the MSM helps in the cover up, will anyone respect journalists - ever again?No one with a brain. But that's already the case.
To: kristinn
Of course there was no statement such as, “If I had a son, he’d look just like Brian Terry.”
To: Raycpa
Whether Nixon gave approval or knew about the break-in beforehand, no one died. In F&F people died including one American.
It's interesting that when Mexicans serve no political purpose, their deaths don't matter.
posted on
06/20/2012 11:47:19 AM PDT
(Tolerance at the expense of equal treatment is the path to tyranny.)
To: Raycpa
It was Nixons arrogant attitude that brought him down. It was the news media that brought Nixon down. Obama doesn't have to contend with them.
posted on
06/20/2012 11:48:51 AM PDT
(Firearms and ammunition...the only growing industries under the Obama regime.)
To: Truth29
Could all be a ruse to replace Obama with Hillary to go against Romney. Ugg.
To: a fool in paradise
To: Raycpa
Whether Nixon gave approval or knew about the break-in beforehand, no one died. In F&F people died including, including two Americans: one border control agent and another officer. The total death toll is about 200 people according to Issa and seems consistent with what I’ve read.
posted on
06/20/2012 11:52:04 AM PDT
(Tolerance at the expense of equal treatment is the path to tyranny.)
To: kristinn
This is why allowing the MSM to promulgate the lies unchecked, calling GunWalker a "botched operation" or "started under the Bush administration," has been so incredibly destructive.
These memes leave no room for the true story, that the ATF FORCED gun dealers to comply with a criminal supply system for Mexican gangs trained by the US Military. That the ATF made NO EFFORT to track the weapons, UNLIKE the Bush administration Gun Runner program which had been DISCONTINUED.
Once those two facts are established, there is no possibility of claiming that this was some kind of "botched" sting operation. At that point, one MUST ask, what was the true purpose of such a program so obviously illegal that it had to be authorized from the White House.
When one recognizes the claims made by Hillary and others that '80% of the guns supplying Mexican gangs originate int he Untied States" and that Los Zetas were the principal beneficiaries, the same gang stocking weapons in the Los Agneles area, the resulting obvious purposes of GunWalker were two:
- To overturn the Second Amendment by instituting the UN Small Arms Treaty under the claim that Americans were supplying the bulk of weapons to those gangs.
- To arm our enemies and disarm Americans making them ripe for conquest in the American Southwest.
posted on
06/20/2012 11:53:15 AM PDT
(The RINOcrat Party is still in charge. There has never been a conservative American government.)
To: Crucial
It's interesting that when Mexicans serve no political purpose, their deaths don't matter.Their political purpose in this case was to serve as exploitable murder statistics.
To: kristinn
What is obamma trying to hide?
I read or maybe heard today that is this F&F investigation is not completed by the House committee, by election day, then the investigation has to stop, and the new Congress will have to restart it again next year? Any truth to that?
posted on
06/20/2012 11:57:25 AM PDT
If the MSM helps in the cover up, will anyone respect journalists - ever again?
Is this a serious question? Are you really not aware of the degree of respect that today's journalists receive from FReepers? Or did you forget the "/sarcasm" indicator? Please, what is your answer?
To: kristinn
And The One said, “Let there be jobs!” and there would have been, if only those poopy pants Republicans had agreed to spend more money again. And The One saw the jobs, that they were good, and signed an executive order to create them and spend the money anyway.
posted on
06/20/2012 12:04:03 PM PDT
(End the occupation. Annex today.)
To: kristinn
"With millions of Americans still struggling to pay the bills...President Obama spends time dining with Wall Streeters and the Hollywood bunch in between games of golf and making sure our national security secrets are leaked in the proper order. He also finds a little time to determine each day's drone kills. He really knows his "political theatre". It's a new reality show called "Elect Me Again No Matter What".
posted on
06/20/2012 12:08:21 PM PDT
(So there.)
To: kristinn; TigersEye; Fred Nerks; LucyT
White House Mocks Issa Fast & Furious Investigation as “Political Theater”
Lets talk about who died because of this Fast and Furious political theater.
Oh I Forgot! fascists don’t really count death as something which needs investigation,or that a citizen has a right to live?
The Obama administration deserves Americas utter contempt and hatred.
posted on
06/20/2012 12:38:07 PM PDT
(Obama fascist info....
To: Candor7
A Congressional oversight committee merely asking for some documents is a "witch hunt" and "political theater?" After a year and half of stonewalling, false documents being submitted and an endless internal investigation?
I guess the "transparent" 0bungles administration is above answering any questions about any subject extending to every department under The Won!?!
posted on
06/20/2012 12:44:19 PM PDT
(Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
To: sickoflibs
posted on
06/20/2012 12:50:35 PM PDT
(God, family, country, mom, apple pie, the girl next door and a Ford F250 to pull my boat.)
To: Crucial
Nixon’s sin was greater. He was a wildly popular republican.
posted on
06/20/2012 12:55:19 PM PDT
To: Crucial
Obama has no use for Mexico or Mexicans. Everything to him is grist for his personal-power mill.
Mexico - and I mean the people on the streets - is furious about this and it's big news down there. Of course, you'd never know, because our press doesn't bother with Mexico unless there's a gang riot.
Bambi is trying to bail by blaming it on Bush. But comparing Bush's anti-gang sting program, Wide Receiver, which had the support of the Mexican government and the supervision of various US and Mexican federal agencies, with Bambi's anti-gun free-for-all, which the Mexican government never knew about until Issa opened his hearings, is not going to save either Holder or Bambi.
I bet Hillary's revving her motors right about now.
posted on
06/20/2012 12:56:36 PM PDT
To: ChocChipCookie
“I think this is turning out better than Issa ever dreamed.”
Perhaps, but Issa was given BOXES of paperwork in 2010 from an unknown source. I suspect he knows what to do about it.
posted on
06/20/2012 1:04:51 PM PDT
(Homosexuals are homophobes. They insist on being called 'gay' instead.)
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