Geez.. United Airlines does that already... in spades! Just picked up my hubby and daughter after horrendous journey from Buffalo NY to LAX that took United 22.5 hrs. to complete and suffer the rude employees of United Airlines each and every step of the way. They finally boarded a plane at 12 noon Central time, but the pilot went home... so sat in plane until another crew came in from Denver flight to take theirs to LA. Apparently union contract, the pilot can leave after showing up for work if he/she does not get a flight within 2 hrs. Of course the luggage made it to LA way ahead of them.
Could my wife have a pillow? “Ya want a pillow, ya should have leased a Lear Jet, stupid tourist.”
United/Continental is an airline run by idiots. United itself was bad enough but when they brought in Continental management they truly jumped the shark. Their collective business model is pure crapola and their personnel policies are even worse.