This is all a bunch of brainless hogwash. It's all about control, conformity, and forcing everyone into the same mold--standard Leftist objectives. That's all.
And an excellent example of how Leftists preach one thing but intend, practice, and produce the opposite. In this case they think they are liberal, but they are closed-minded; they think they love "diversity" but they demand conformity. They think they are free thinking, but they demand the opposite of freedom. They claim to promote hygeine, but their results will produce the opposite.
I apologize in advance for the graphic nature of the following, but as a physician I feel it necessary to spell out the facts that refute the ridiculous allegations of these Swedish nutcases.
Sitting down to urinate is neither more hygienic nor more healthy for men than standing.
Toilet seats expose the buttocks, the backs of the thighs, and the genitals, especially male genitals, to contamination by fecal/enteric microorganisms, including salmonella, shigella, amoebiasis, hepatitis A virus, and many others, by contaminants on the seat and in the toilet water and by splashing of contaminated water as urine (or fecal material) falls into the water.
When a man sits on a toilet, his genitals hang into the toilet bowl. Sometimes they actually dangle into the water. When feces or urine fall into the water, the water splashes on his hanging genitals. When the toilet is flushed the water splashes on his genitals and the surrounding skin, including the backs of his thighs and his buttocks.
The same thing happens to women, though to the genitals to a less extent since they do not actually dangle into the toilet bowl.
When the person pulls up clothes over the buttocks, genitals, et al., the insides of the clothes become contaminated.
There is no alternative to this procedure where women are concerned; however for men standing for urination is FAR MORE HEIGENIC.
When standing to urinate, a man can completely avoid such contamination inasmuch as only his penis is exposed, and it is held high above the water of the toilet or urinal so that splashing on it is minimal to nonexistent. It is possible that splashing can contaminate the fronts of his trousers unless he is quite careful.
The chances of contamination of men by enteric pathogens is FAR LESS LIKELY WHEN THEY STAND TO URINATE.
When a man or woman sits to defecate, which is unavoidable, contamination is unavoidable.
I ALWAYS shower after defecation when it is all all possible. Everyone should.
And I NEVER make love to my wife unless I have showered since the last defecation and am squeeky clean, hygenic, and read for love!
You mean like the Kama Sutra?
(Slaps self for smartassicity.)