Posted on 06/05/2012 6:38:19 AM PDT by MNlurker
Didn't see an actual thread we could use for a central point for election information today.
Lets do this Wisconsin!!!
MSNBC’s spin on this is absolutely bizarre. I’m surprised the panel can even keep a straight face as they spout their bilge. Now they are saying that because Walker won, Wisconsinites are more determined than ever to re-elect obama.
Some guy was just on CNN crying, saying that this is the end of the road for democracy!!
I love it!
Just switched over to CNN for a second and they interviewed a crying union thug who says Democracy is dead in America. He must have misspoke, I think he meant his union is dead.
I just heard her speak. She sounds like Sarah....or Gov Palin sounds like she's from Wisconsin (I always thought so)
Oh, good grief, what a loser. Libs are such crybabies.
No one is commenting on how Obama erred by not finding time to campaign for Barrett, even when he was so close to the State. A defender says he has too much on his plate to worry about Wisconsin ignoring the fact he seems to find plenty of time to fly cross country to raise $$.
Thank you!
I’m on my third glass of champagne now....woo hoo!
No, it only sounded that way, what he actually said was:
"This is the end of the road for democRATS, see?"
I’ve heard her speak a few times the last couple of days and she impressed me. I saw her walk off the stage a few minutes ago with her husband and little girl - beautiful young family. Also, (shallow moment here) she is very pretty. Definitely NOT a liberal.
Have any idea if Madison vote has been reported yet?
I just wish we had the video of the CNN guy crying.. I need that lol..
Huh? What is "democrapticunterground"? :-)
Wow!! From reading the DU comments, it's clear the Lefties have figured out exactly what went wrong, and exactly how to fix it. Their clear-headed, unbiased, down-to-earth political analytical skills are just stunning to behold! Here are a few typical excerpts from their brilliant analyses of exactly why they lost in Wisconsin, (sorry there's so few, but I didn't have many to pick from after throwing out the obscene posts) ---
(1) Until we stop spending money on the war machine, and start putting energy into educating the people of this country, this is what we're going to see, more and more, I predict.
(2) We need to do something about out of control corporate influence over govermnent. Or we not going to recognize our own country.
(3) We all were watching Al Sharpton and Ed Shultz and they had us pumped to win.
I went to school with her hubby. They’re really really good people and definitely true Conservative. Both of them.
Lawrence O’Dumbass is interviewing one of the dumbest people I have ever heard. Sanford Levinson. UTex Law Professor. Gridlock is not the President or Congress’ fault, it is the fault of the Founding Fathers. Yes, they were brilliant weren’t they you moron.
Hahahaha, this video on youtube is illustrative of the left.. LOL, he looks like he is about to cry, here is the URL:
Bennett might not even get as many votes as there were signatures on the recall petition! Could it be that many of the petition signatures were phony? Who would have thought?!
The MSNBC Klux Klan caused the Democrat Party to waste $70+Million dollars, and caused 15 months of chaos, OVER A TEMPER TANTRUM....
From now until Election day, remind EVERY left-leaning person you know, that:
Remember that bit of propaganda trash from MSNBC, when all this crap started??
Has Madison reported yet? I won’t be able to sleep until I know Walker’s margin after that lib hole has been included.
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