In a man/man or woman/woman "arrangement," the odds are virtually equal, and conflicts are more likely to be prolonged and stalemated due to like forces unwilling to budge. This can, and usually does, escalate into extremely violent resolutions.
It's no surprise that these equally matched constructs fail at a much higher rate than natural man/woman unions.
Yes, it is sexist..the woman naturally submissive? That's muzzie/15th century talk. The wife should never be submissive...should both be equals with equal decision making and give and take.
What you say is true. Men and women are different. Acknowledging that is the Truth of Nature.
Woman/man are compatible (not interchangeable) and since their natures are different—there is no direct conflict (unless they are extremely immature adults.). Homosexuals are immature by design—they are fixated in the latency period where they never matured into attraction for the opposite sex which takes less selfishness-—less narcissism.
It takes patience and maturity to be with the opposite sex in long term relationships because their interests are so different. It is why women love to hang out with women and men with men-—they validate their maleness or femaleness in positive ways. Homosexual acts degrade the body—reduce it to meaningless base animal acts which have nothing to do with “love”—everything to do with abuse and selfishness-—and lust.
Male/female unions take selflessness to flourish and produce emotionally healthy offspring. Selfish people destroy and use children.
In homosexual societies like Greece, homosexuality is common and learned by the young boys. Men/Boy “love” was common—to groom boys (and girls) into the idea that sodomy is good. Where societies accept and glorify the behavior—it becomes normalized and common. That is what the homosexuals are trying to do by brainwashing children in our schools with Sex Ed and Day of Silence. and all the gay pushing on MTV—and destruction of Christian Ethics-—so they can invert God’s Laws of Right and Wrong. Homosexuality completely inverts the Christian paradigm to the pagan/Afghani one.