“With that said, anyone who can read through their book and believe it, is the very definition of gullible. Sorry to say it.”
I keep a copy of the “Book of Mormon” for collection purposes. My 16 year old son, with just basic “Sunday School” theological training was looking at it the other day. He came to me and started showing me all the obvious flaws he spotted in 30 minutes of scanning it. He, without my help, pointed out:
1. The grammer is terrible.
2. “Joseph Smith” alleged to have translated it in the 19th Century, but it is in King James Language. Not in use in the 19th Century.
3. It plagerizes many large passages from the Actual Bible.
4. It is very poor fiction, and terrible reading.
He could spot this without any formal theological training. I explained to him that it is generally thought, in orthodox Christian circles, that Joseph Smith plagerized the religious fictional works of a, I believe, Methodist minister that liked writing religious fiction. The book has ALL the marks of a plagerized hoax. It is gibberish.
IF God supposedly directed the translation with the Urum and Thumen, then if wasn’t the God of the Bible.
Folks can vote for the Magic Mormon if they want, but I will not. I already had sufficient reason to not vote for him based upon his RINO record and ties to the GOPe that owns him. However, his wack job beliefs and allegiance to the Salt Lake City mafia is just too much.
I WILL NOT vote for him. Of course, I won’t vote for Obama either. This will be the first time since 1976 that I sit out voting for the GOP candidate.
How can you CLAIM such a thing??
Did you notice who wrote the following?
It's really hard to determine...