Exactly. The only reason the handbag was supposedly worth $100,000 is because of the designer label attached to it. Sure the craftsmanship, if any and the hand stitching if any, might make it somewhat more valuable than a very similar looking leather handbag, just as nicely crafted that I might buy for the fraction of that price at Target or DSW, and BTW similarly produced in some third world country by someone making about a $1 a day in wages whether they are making a Hermes handbag or one I could buy for $30 bucks at Target. Ive bought lots of very nice handbags at Target and DSW and Kohls that are just as nice looking, fashionable and just as functional as any of those overpriced designer handbags.
The real fool is the person who would pay $100,000 for a piece of leather crafted into a bag with a fancy label on it made by the very same people and means as the $30 handbag that I can buy at a fraction of that cost, just to hold their stuff.
say what you will about killing animals, but it was a further waste of having killed an animal for no good reason