The MSM REFUSED to investigate his background in 2008. That would have meant pulling reporters out of the dumpsters in Wasilla. We were just told that he was the smartest person in the world, and anyone who doubted that was a racist and a hater. If he was such a genius, why not show his 4.0 GPA for all the world to see? I think that he was being passed along with mediocre grades, and there is other info on the transcripts that would do severe damage to him.
I have said for ages that somewhere in his paper trail there is information that could possibly be more damaging to him than being kenyan. Spmewhere, on some transcript or other paperwork I’m guessing he listed himself as “white”
The MSM did more investigating of total unknown Joe the plumber Wurzelbacher in 24 hours than they did of Baraq Obama in 24 months.
EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS FAKE AND A LIE!!!!!!!!...and the MSM knows it....If he gets busted on just one of the charges..the MSM is toast and they know it....They cant investigate now!!!